Here you will find all our blogs
Cutting Weigela: tips for optimal cutting time and techniques
Discover the perfect garden fence for privacy and aesthetics
Effective tips to combat and prevent snails in the vegetable garden
Clearing a pond: Tips and techniques for crystal clear water
Effective tips for lichen removal: Natural and chemical solutions
What to do about snails in the garden?
The Ultimate Guide to Sowing Grass: Tips for a Beautiful Green Lawn
Repelling Moles: Effective and Legal Methods to Protect Your Garden
Which wood to choose for a planter?
Choosing the right wood for your planter is crucial for both the lifespan and the appearance of your garden project. With my years of experience...
How does a flower pot with water reservoir work?
Best time to fertilize garden with cow manure granules
When to plant lavender? Best season and tips for growth