Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Sind Sie es auch leid, jedes Mal Ihre Pakete beim Nachbarn abholen zu müssen? Oder tagelang auf Ihre Post warten? Die Trendybox ist die perfekte Lösung für alle, die ihre Post und Pakete schnell, sicher und unkompliziert empfangen möchten. Dieser moderne, formschöne und freistehende Briefkasten bietet nicht nur Platz für Ihre tägliche Post, sondern auch für größere Pakete, die Sie normalerweise nicht in Ihrem herkömmlichen Briefkasten empfangen können. Egal ob Sie im Urlaub sind oder einfach keine Lust haben zu warten, mit der Trendybox haben Sie sicher eine zuverlässige und sichere Lösung für Ihre Paketzustellung.
Praktisches und sicheres Design für jede Situation
Mit der Trendybox müssen Sie sich nicht mehr um die Abholung Ihrer Post oder Pakete kümmern. Dieser innovative Briefkasten ermöglicht den sicheren Empfang von Briefen und größeren Paketen, auch wenn Sie nicht zu Hause sind. Die Konstruktion sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Pakete gut vor Witterungseinflüssen und Diebstahl geschützt sind. Dank des geräumigen Bodenfachs bietet die Trendybox genügend Platz für mehrere Lieferungen gleichzeitig.
Wie funktioniert die Trendybox?
Die Anwendung der Trendybox ist einfach und effizient. Der Zusteller öffnet die Klappe oben, legt Ihre Post und Pakete in den Briefkasten und verschließt die Klappe anschließend wieder. Anschließend wandern die Post und Pakete automatisch in das unterste Fach, welches rundum gesichert ist. Dieses Fach ist, ähnlich der Topbox, mit einem Push-Lock ausgestattet und lässt sich nur öffnen, wenn Sie das Schloss selbst lösen. Die Trendybox ist nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch äußerst sicher, sodass Sie nie Angst haben müssen, dass ungebetene Besucher versuchen, Ihre Pakete herauszufischen.
Warum die Trendybox wählen?
Die Trendybox bietet viele Vorteile, die sie zur idealen Wahl für Ihr Zuhause machen. Hier sind die wichtigsten Gründe, warum Trendybox Ihr neuer bester Freund für den Empfang von Post und Paketen wird:
Kompatibel mit allen Paketdiensten: Alle gängigen Zustelldienste liefern Ihre Post und Pakete problemlos in diesen geräumigen Briefkasten.
Anti-Fishing-Einlass: Dank des innovativen Einlasses können Pakete nicht von unerwünschten Personen herausgefischt werden, sodass Sie immer eine sichere Zustellung gewährleisten können.
Geräumiger Einwurf: Die Trendybox verfügt über einen maximalen Einwurf von 350x320x200 mm, wodurch Sie vom Kleinpaket bis zur Großlieferung nahezu alle Online-Bestellungen in Empfang nehmen können.
Wetterfest: Der Gummirand um die Türen verhindert, dass Ihre Post und Pakete auch an regnerischen Tagen nass werden.
Langlebig und pflegeleicht: Die industrielle Pulverbeschichtung bietet Schutz vor Rost, Kratzern und Witterungseinflüssen, sodass der Briefkasten lange hält und stets in einem Top-Zustand bleibt.
Mehrere Lieferungen auf einmal empfangen: Die Trendybox bietet genügend Platz, um mehrere Pakete gleichzeitig zu empfangen, sodass Sie nicht mehrfach warten müssen.
Keine Wartezeiten mehr: Sie müssen nie wieder zu Hause bleiben oder lange auf Ihre Pakete warten, denn diese werden sicher in Ihren Briefkasten geliefert.
Optimieren Sie Ihr Erlebnis mit der Trendybox
Mit der Trendybox machen Sie sich nicht nur das Leben leichter, sondern verleihen Ihrem Zuhause auch einen funktionalen und modernen Look. Egal, ob Sie ein vielbeschäftigter Berufstätiger sind, viel online einkaufen oder sich einfach nicht mit verpassten Lieferungen herumärgern möchten: Trendybox bietet die perfekte Lösung. Dank der geräumigen Bauweise und der sicheren Aufbewahrung ist Ihnen der Empfang Ihrer Post und Pakete stets problemlos und ohne Sorgen möglich.
Pflegetipps für den Dauereinsatz
Die Trendybox ist auf Langlebigkeit ausgelegt, doch mit ein wenig Pflege kann sie nicht nur gut aussehen, sondern auch optimal funktionieren. Die Pulverbeschichtung schützt den Briefkasten vor Rost und Beschädigungen, doch um ihn in Topform zu halten, ist es wichtig, den Briefkasten regelmäßig zu reinigen. Dies lässt sich ganz einfach mit einem feuchten Tuch und einem milden Reinigungsmittel erledigen. Achten Sie darauf, die Trendybox gelegentlich auf Beschädigungen oder Verschleißteile zu überprüfen, damit Sie lange Freude an Ihrem Kauf haben.
Die perfekte Wahl für alle, die effizient und sicher sein wollen
Die Trendybox ist mehr als nur ein Briefkasten. Es ist eine Lösung, die Ihren Alltag vereinfacht, Ihnen Zeit spart und Ihnen Sicherheit gibt. Mit der Trendybox empfangen Sie Post und Pakete schnell, sicher und ohne Mehraufwand. Egal, ob Sie zu Hause sind oder nicht, Sie wissen, dass Ihre Pakete immer richtig und sicher zugestellt werden.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Sind Sie es auch leid, jedes Mal Ihre Pakete beim Nachbarn abholen zu müssen? Oder tagelang auf Ihre Post warten? Die Trendybox ist die perfekte Lösung für alle, die ihre Post und Pakete schnell, sicher und unkompliziert empfangen möchten. Dieser moderne, formschöne und freistehende Briefkasten bietet nicht nur Platz für Ihre tägliche Post, sondern auch für größere Pakete, die Sie normalerweise nicht in Ihrem herkömmlichen Briefkasten empfangen können. Egal ob Sie im Urlaub sind oder einfach keine Lust haben zu warten, mit der Trendybox haben Sie sicher eine zuverlässige und sichere Lösung für Ihre Paketzustellung.
Praktisches und sicheres Design für jede Situation
Mit der Trendybox müssen Sie sich nicht mehr um die Abholung Ihrer Post oder Pakete kümmern. Dieser innovative Briefkasten ermöglicht den sicheren Empfang von Briefen und größeren Paketen, auch wenn Sie nicht zu Hause sind. Die Konstruktion sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Pakete gut vor Witterungseinflüssen und Diebstahl geschützt sind. Dank des geräumigen Bodenfachs bietet die Trendybox genügend Platz für mehrere Lieferungen gleichzeitig.
Wie funktioniert die Trendybox?
Die Anwendung der Trendybox ist einfach und effizient. Der Zusteller öffnet die Klappe oben, legt Ihre Post und Pakete in den Briefkasten und verschließt die Klappe anschließend wieder. Anschließend wandern die Post und Pakete automatisch in das unterste Fach, welches rundum gesichert ist. Dieses Fach ist, ähnlich der Topbox, mit einem Push-Lock ausgestattet und lässt sich nur öffnen, wenn Sie das Schloss selbst lösen. Die Trendybox ist nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch äußerst sicher, sodass Sie nie Angst haben müssen, dass ungebetene Besucher versuchen, Ihre Pakete herauszufischen.
Warum die Trendybox wählen?
Die Trendybox bietet viele Vorteile, die sie zur idealen Wahl für Ihr Zuhause machen. Hier sind die wichtigsten Gründe, warum Trendybox Ihr neuer bester Freund für den Empfang von Post und Paketen wird:
Kompatibel mit allen Paketdiensten: Alle gängigen Zustelldienste liefern Ihre Post und Pakete problemlos in diesen geräumigen Briefkasten.
Anti-Fishing-Einlass: Dank des innovativen Einlasses können Pakete nicht von unerwünschten Personen herausgefischt werden, sodass Sie immer eine sichere Zustellung gewährleisten können.
Geräumiger Einwurf: Die Trendybox verfügt über einen maximalen Einwurf von 350x320x200 mm, wodurch Sie vom Kleinpaket bis zur Großlieferung nahezu alle Online-Bestellungen in Empfang nehmen können.
Wetterfest: Der Gummirand um die Türen verhindert, dass Ihre Post und Pakete auch an regnerischen Tagen nass werden.
Langlebig und pflegeleicht: Die industrielle Pulverbeschichtung bietet Schutz vor Rost, Kratzern und Witterungseinflüssen, sodass der Briefkasten lange hält und stets in einem Top-Zustand bleibt.
Mehrere Lieferungen auf einmal empfangen: Die Trendybox bietet genügend Platz, um mehrere Pakete gleichzeitig zu empfangen, sodass Sie nicht mehrfach warten müssen.
Keine Wartezeiten mehr: Sie müssen nie wieder zu Hause bleiben oder lange auf Ihre Pakete warten, denn diese werden sicher in Ihren Briefkasten geliefert.
Optimieren Sie Ihr Erlebnis mit der Trendybox
Mit der Trendybox machen Sie sich nicht nur das Leben leichter, sondern verleihen Ihrem Zuhause auch einen funktionalen und modernen Look. Egal, ob Sie ein vielbeschäftigter Berufstätiger sind, viel online einkaufen oder sich einfach nicht mit verpassten Lieferungen herumärgern möchten: Trendybox bietet die perfekte Lösung. Dank der geräumigen Bauweise und der sicheren Aufbewahrung ist Ihnen der Empfang Ihrer Post und Pakete stets problemlos und ohne Sorgen möglich.
Pflegetipps für den Dauereinsatz
Die Trendybox ist auf Langlebigkeit ausgelegt, doch mit ein wenig Pflege kann sie nicht nur gut aussehen, sondern auch optimal funktionieren. Die Pulverbeschichtung schützt den Briefkasten vor Rost und Beschädigungen, doch um ihn in Topform zu halten, ist es wichtig, den Briefkasten regelmäßig zu reinigen. Dies lässt sich ganz einfach mit einem feuchten Tuch und einem milden Reinigungsmittel erledigen. Achten Sie darauf, die Trendybox gelegentlich auf Beschädigungen oder Verschleißteile zu überprüfen, damit Sie lange Freude an Ihrem Kauf haben.
Die perfekte Wahl für alle, die effizient und sicher sein wollen
Die Trendybox ist mehr als nur ein Briefkasten. Es ist eine Lösung, die Ihren Alltag vereinfacht, Ihnen Zeit spart und Ihnen Sicherheit gibt. Mit der Trendybox empfangen Sie Post und Pakete schnell, sicher und ohne Mehraufwand. Egal, ob Sie zu Hause sind oder nicht, Sie wissen, dass Ihre Pakete immer richtig und sicher zugestellt werden.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Suchen Sie einen Briefkasten, der nicht nur funktional ist, sondern auch eine warme und moderne Optik hat? Der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Cannes Mattschwarz mit Holzoptik vereint Eleganz mit Langlebigkeit. Dank seines einzigartigen Designs in Holzoptik verleiht dieser Briefkasten Ihrem Zuhause oder Ihren Geschäftsräumen einen Hauch von Stil, während seine robuste Konstruktion einen sicheren und effizienten Postempfang gewährleistet.
Stilvolles und modernes Design
Der Briefkasten Cannes besticht durch seine Holzoptik , kombiniert mit einer mattschwarzen Pulverbeschichtung. Dies sorgt für ein natürliches und warmes Aussehen, ohne die Haltbarkeit und Festigkeit des Stahls zu beeinträchtigen. Das Design ist perfekt für alle, die einen modernen Look mit einem dezenten, rustikalen Touch lieben.
Robust und witterungsbeständig
Pulverbeschichteter Stahl für maximalen Schutz
Dieser Briefkasten ist aus hochwertigem Stahl gefertigt und verfügt über eine robuste Pulverbeschichtung , die für Schutz vor Rost, Kratzern und Abnutzung sorgt. So bleibt es über Jahre hinweg schön und funktional, unabhängig von den Witterungsbedingungen.
Leises und nachhaltiges Schließen
Dank Soft-Close-Mechanismus schließt der Briefkasten sanft und leise. Dies verhindert harte Schläge beim Schließen und minimiert den Verschleiß, sodass Sie jahrelang unbeschwerte Freude an diesem schicken Briefkasten haben.
Praktischer Zeitungshalter
Zusätzlich zur normalen Poststelle verfügt der Practo Garden Cannes über einen integrierten Zeitungshalter . Zeitungen, Zeitschriften und Flyer bleiben so sauber von Ihrer übrigen Post getrennt, ohne dass sie in den Briefkasten gestopft werden müssen.
Geräumiger und praktischer Briefkasten
Passend für verschiedene Postformate
Mit einer Brieföffnung von 33,5 x 3,3 cm ist dieser Briefkasten für Briefumschläge, Zeitschriften und kleine Pakete geeignet. Ihre Post wird problemlos und ohne Beschädigungen oder Falten zugestellt.
Optimale Sicherheit
Zylinderschloss mit zwei Schlüsseln
Für zusätzliche Sicherheit ist das Cannes mit einem robusten Zylinderschloss ausgestattet und wird mit zwei Schlüsseln geliefert. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass nur Sie Zugriff auf Ihre E-Mails haben und ein unerwünschter Zugriff durch Dritte verhindert.
Kompakt und funktional
Perfekte Maße für jede Fassade
Mit den Maßen 41 x 37 x 13 cm (Höhe x Breite x Tiefe) bietet dieser Briefkasten ausreichend Platz für Ihre Post, ohne unnötig Platz einzunehmen. Ideal für den privaten und geschäftlichen Einsatz.
Einfache Installation
Inklusive Befestigungsmaterial
Der Practo Garden Cannes wird mit allem notwendigen Befestigungsmaterial geliefert, sodass Sie ihn einfach und schnell an der Wand oder einem Ständer befestigen können. So kommen Sie im Handumdrehen in den Genuss eines formschönen und praktischen Briefkastens.
Warum sollten Sie sich für den Practo Gartenbriefkasten Cannes Mattschwarz mit Holzoptik entscheiden?
Einzigartiges Design in Holzoptik: vereint Modern und Natürlichkeit.
Wetterbeständiger, pulverbeschichteter Stahl: rost- und verschleißfest.
Soft-Close-Mechanismus: verhindert harte Stöße und verlängert die Lebensdauer.
Praktischer Zeitungshalter: zusätzlicher Platz für Zeitschriften und Broschüren.
Großzügige Brieföffnung: passend für verschiedene Postformate.
Sicheres Zylinderschloss: schützt Ihre Post vor unbefugtem Zugriff.
Kompakte Größe: ideal für Zuhause und das Büro.
Einfache Installation: Wird komplett mit Montagematerial geliefert.
Sie wünschen sich einen stylischen und zuverlässigen Briefkasten, der nicht nur funktional ist, sondern auch eine warme Ausstrahlung hat? Der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Cannes Mattschwarz in Holzoptik ist die perfekte Wahl. Bestellen Sie noch heute und freuen Sie sich über eine sichere und elegante Zustellung per Post!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Sie suchen einen stylischen, sicheren und praktischen Briefkasten? Der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Marseille Mattschwarz ist für alle gedacht, die Funktionalität und modernes Design verbinden möchten. Mit seiner edlen Optik, den langlebigen Materialien und praktischen Extras wie Zeitungsfach und Soft-Close-Mechanismus ist er der ideale Briefkasten für Privathaushalte und Geschäftsräume.
Schlankes und modernes Design
Mit seinem minimalistischen und zeitgenössischen Look passt der Briefkasten Marseille mühelos zu verschiedenen Fassadenstilen. Die mattschwarze Pulverbeschichtung verleiht nicht nur eine luxuriöse Optik, sondern bietet auch dauerhaften Schutz vor den Elementen. Dieser stilvolle Briefkasten ist eine perfekte Ergänzung für moderne Wohn- und Geschäftshäuser.
Langlebig und witterungsbeständig
Pulverbeschichteter Stahl für maximalen Schutz
Der Briefkasten Marseille ist aus hochwertigem Stahl gefertigt und verfügt über eine robuste Pulverbeschichtung. Dies schützt vor Rost, Kratzern und Abnutzung durch Witterungseinflüsse und sorgt dafür, dass der Briefkasten Jahr für Jahr schön aussieht und funktionsfähig bleibt.
Leises und nachhaltiges Schließen
Dank eingebautem Soft Close System schließt der Briefkasten sanft und geräuschlos. Dies verhindert harte Stöße und verlängert die Lebensdauer der Scharniere. Keine störenden Geräusche und weniger Verschleiß: eine smarte Lösung für mehr Komfort im Alltag.
Zusätzlicher Komfort durch integrierten Zeitungshalter
Neben einem geräumigen Briefkasten verfügt der Practo Garden Marseille über einen integrierten Zeitungshalter . So bleiben Zeitungen, Zeitschriften und Flyer ordentlich verstaut, ohne der restlichen Post im Weg zu sein. Nützlich für alle, die regelmäßig Printmedien erhalten.
Geräumiger Briefkasten
Geeignet für verschiedene Postformate
Mit einer Brieföffnung von 33,5 x 3,3 cm bietet sie ausreichend Platz für den bequemen Empfang von Briefen, Zeitschriften und kleinen Paketen. So bleibt Ihre Post ordentlich und unbeschädigt, ohne dass Sie sich über einen zu kleinen Schlitz ärgern müssen.
Sichere Aufbewahrung Ihrer E-Mails
Zylinderschloss mit zwei Schlüsseln
Natürlich möchten Sie nicht, dass Unbefugte Zugriff auf Ihre E-Mails haben. Deshalb ist der Practo Garden Marseille mit einem robusten Zylinderschloss ausgestattet und wird mit zwei Schlüsseln geliefert. So bleibt Ihre Post sicher aufbewahrt, bis Sie sie abholen.
Kompakt und geräumig zugleich
Perfekte Größe für jeden Standort
Mit den Maßen 41 x 37 x 13 cm (Höhe x Breite x Tiefe) bietet dieser Briefkasten ausreichend Platz für Ihre Post, ohne unnötig Platz einzunehmen. Es ist kompakt genug, um es diskret zu platzieren, aber dennoch geräumig genug, um Ihre tägliche Post sicher aufzubewahren.
Einfache Installation
Inklusive Befestigungsmaterial
Der Briefkasten Marseille wird inklusive Befestigungsmaterial geliefert, sodass Sie ihn ganz einfach an der Wand oder einem Ständer befestigen können. Dies macht die Installation schnell und mühelos.
Warum sollten Sie sich für den Practo Gartenbriefkasten Marseille Mattschwarz entscheiden?
Modernes und schlichtes Design: eine stilvolle Ergänzung für jede Fassade.
Wetterbeständiger, pulverbeschichteter Stahl: rost- und verschleißfest.
Soft-Close-Mechanismus: verhindert harte Stöße und verlängert die Lebensdauer.
Praktischer Zeitungshalter: zusätzlicher Platz für Zeitschriften und Broschüren.
Großzügige Brieföffnung: passend für verschiedene Postformate.
Sicheres Zylinderschloss: schützt Ihre Post vor unbefugtem Zugriff.
Kompakte Größe: perfekt für Privathaushalte und Unternehmen.
Einfache Installation: Wird komplett mit Montagematerial geliefert.
Sie wünschen sich einen formschönen, sicheren und praktischen Briefkasten? Der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Marseille Mattschwarz bietet alles, was Sie für einen geordneten und sicheren Postempfang benötigen. Bestellen Sie noch heute und freuen Sie sich über optimalen Bedienkomfort!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Sie suchen einen stylischen und funktionalen Briefkasten, der nicht nur Ihre Post sicher aufbewahrt, sondern auch perfekt zu einer modernen Fassade passt? Der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Bordeaux Mattschwarz bietet eine Kombination aus Eleganz, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Haltbarkeit. Mit seinem eleganten Design und den praktischen Funktionen ist dieser Briefkasten eine wertvolle Ergänzung für jedes private oder geschäftliche Umfeld.
Modernes und stilvolles Design
Der Briefkasten Bordeaux hat ein zeitloses, minimalistisches Design mit einer mattschwarzen Pulverbeschichtung . Dies sorgt nicht nur für eine luxuriöse Optik, sondern bietet zusätzlichen Schutz vor den Elementen. Das moderne Design passt perfekt sowohl zu zeitgenössischen als auch zu klassischen Fassaden und verleiht Ihrem Eingang ein gepflegtes und professionelles Erscheinungsbild.
Für den dauerhaften Gebrauch gemacht
Pulverbeschichteter Stahl für maximale Haltbarkeit
Dieser Briefkasten ist aus hochwertigem Stahl gefertigt und verfügt über eine starke Pulverbeschichtung, welche optimalen Schutz vor Rost, Kratzern und Witterungseinflüssen bietet. So haben Sie viele Jahre Freude an einem zuverlässigen und wartungsarmen Briefkasten.
Praktisch und funktional
Soft-Close-System für geräuschloses Schließen
Dank Soft-Close-Mechanismus schließt der Briefkasten leise und kontrolliert. Dies verhindert harte Schläge beim Schließen und sorgt für eine längere Lebensdauer Ihres Briefkastens ohne Verschleiß am Scharnier.
Praktischer Zeitungshalter
Neben einem geräumigen Briefkasten verfügt der Bordeaux über einen integrierten Zeitungshalter , ideal für Zeitschriften, Prospekte und Zeitungen. Dadurch bleibt Ihre Post geordnet und Sie vermeiden, dass große Sendungen in den Briefkasten gestopft werden.
Geräumige und sichere Brieföffnung
Geeignet für verschiedene Postformate
Die großzügige Brieföffnung von 33,5 x 3,3 cm ermöglicht den bequemen Empfang von Post, ohne diese zu beschädigen. Egal ob Briefe, Zeitschriften oder kleine Pakete, Sie müssen sich keine Sorgen über eine volle oder zu kleine Öffnung machen.
Optimale Sicherheit
Zylinderschloss mit zwei Schlüsseln
Für zusätzliche Sicherheit ist der Practo Garden Bordeaux mit einem robusten Zylinderschloss inklusive zwei Schlüsseln ausgestattet. So ist eine sichere E-Mail-Aufbewahrung gewährleistet und Sie verhindern den ungewollten Zugriff auf Ihr Postfach.
Kompakte und praktische Größe
Perfekte Abmessungen für eine vielseitige Platzierung
Mit den Maßen 41 x 37 x 13 cm (Höhe x Breite x Tiefe) ist dieser Briefkasten kompakt genug, um nicht zu viel Platz einzunehmen, aber geräumig genug, um Ihre gesamte Post sicher aufzunehmen. Damit ist es sowohl für den Privatbereich als auch für Gewerbeobjekte bestens geeignet.
Einfache Installation
Lieferung komplett mit Befestigungsmaterial
Im Lieferumfang des Bordeaux ist sämtliches erforderliche Montagematerial enthalten, sodass Sie ihn schnell und mühelos an der Wand oder einem Ständer befestigen können. Somit können Sie sich sofort über einen formschönen und funktionalen Briefkasten freuen.
Warum sollten Sie sich für den Gartenbriefkasten Practo Bordeaux Mattschwarz entscheiden?
Modernes und stilvolles Design: passt perfekt zu zeitgenössischen Fassaden.
Wetterbeständiger, pulverbeschichteter Stahl: rost- und verschleißfest.
Soft-Close-Mechanismus: verhindert harte Stöße und Verschleiß.
Praktischer Zeitungshalter: zusätzlicher Platz für Zeitschriften und Broschüren.
Großzügige Brieföffnung: passend für verschiedene Postformate.
Sicheres Zylinderschloss: schützt Ihre Post vor unbefugtem Zugriff.
Kompakte Größe: ideal für Zuhause und das Büro.
Einfache Installation: Wird komplett mit Montagematerial geliefert.
Suchen Sie nach einem stilvollen und zuverlässigen Briefkasten, der Ihre Post sicher und geordnet aufbewahrt? Der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Bordeaux Mattschwarz bietet die perfekte Kombination aus Design, Sicherheit und Funktionalität. Bestellen Sie noch heute und freuen Sie sich über eine sorgenfreie Postzustellung!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Eine stilvolle und nachhaltige Lösung für Ihre Post: der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Dijon Mattschwarz . Egal ob Sie ein modernes Eigenheim oder eine schlichte Geschäftsfassade haben, dieser Briefkasten bietet nicht nur eine elegante Optik, sondern auch die praktischen Funktionen, die Sie für einen sicheren und effizienten Postempfang benötigen. Mit seinem minimalistischen Design und der robusten Verarbeitung ist dies die perfekte Wahl für alle, die Wert auf Qualität und Stil legen.
Schlankes und zeitloses Design
Der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Dijon hat ein modernes und dezentes Erscheinungsbild, das mühelos zu verschiedenen Fassadenstilen passt. Die mattschwarze Pulverbeschichtung verleiht dem Briefkasten eine schicke Optik und erhält seine schöne Optik über Jahre ohne zu verblassen. Durch die minimalistische Gestaltung fügt sich der Briefkasten harmonisch in jeden Eingangsbereich ein.
Kompakte und praktische Größe
Perfekte Größe für jeden Eingang
Mit den Maßen 37 x 37 x 11 cm (Höhe x Breite x Tiefe) ist dieser Briefkasten kompakt genug, um nicht zu viel Platz einzunehmen, aber geräumig genug, um Ihre gesamte Post sicher aufzunehmen. Dadurch eignet es sich ideal sowohl für Wohn- als auch für Geschäftsgebäude.
Gemacht für Nachhaltigkeit
Pulverbeschichteter Stahl für optimalen Schutz
Der Briefkasten ist aus hochwertigem Stahl gefertigt und mit einer langlebigen Pulverbeschichtung versehen. Dieses schützt das Material vor Rost, Witterungseinflüssen und Kratzern und ermöglicht Ihnen eine sorgenfreie Nutzung dieses robusten und zuverlässigen Briefkastens über viele Jahre.
Geräumiger und praktischer Briefkasten
Passend für verschiedene Postformate
Der Briefkasten verfügt über eine großzügige Brieföffnung von 33,5 x 3,3 cm , sodass Sie problemlos Briefumschläge, Zeitschriften oder kleine Pakete empfangen können. Sie müssen sich also keine Sorgen über geknickte oder beschädigte Post machen.
Sicher und benutzerfreundlich
Schützen Sie Ihre Post mit einem Zylinderschloss
Sicherheit steht an erster Stelle. Damit nur Sie Zugriff auf Ihre Post haben, ist der Practo Garden Dijon mit einem stabilen Zylinderschloss inklusive zwei Schlüsseln ausgestattet. Dies verhindert unerwünschte Zugriffe und gibt Ihnen Sicherheit, insbesondere bei wichtiger oder vertraulicher Post.
Einfache und schnelle Installation
Inklusive Befestigungsmaterial
Kein Ärger mit Nachkaufmöglichkeiten: Der Briefkasten wird mit allem benötigten Montagematerial geliefert. So können Sie es ganz einfach an der Wand oder einem Ständer befestigen und es ist sofort einsatzbereit.
Warum sollten Sie sich für den Gartenbriefkasten Dijon Mattschwarz von Practo entscheiden?
Schlankes und stilvolles Design: passt perfekt zu modernen Fassaden.
Kompakte Größe: ideal für Zuhause und das Büro.
Wetterbeständiger, pulverbeschichteter Stahl: rost- und verschleißfest.
Geräumige Brieföffnung: ideal für Umschläge und Zeitschriften.
Sicheres Zylinderschloss: schützt Ihre Post vor unbefugtem Zugriff.
Einfache Installation: Wird komplett mit Montagematerial geliefert.
Suchen Sie einen zuverlässigen und stilvollen Briefkasten, der Ihre Post sicher und trocken aufbewahrt? Dann ist der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Dijon Mattschwarz die ideale Wahl. Bestellen Sie noch heute und freuen Sie sich über einen perfekt organisierten Postempfang!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Eine stilvolle und nachhaltige Lösung für Ihre Post: der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Dijon Anthrazit . Egal ob Sie ein modernes Eigenheim oder eine schlichte Geschäftsfassade haben, dieser Briefkasten bietet nicht nur eine elegante Optik, sondern auch die praktischen Funktionen, die Sie für einen sicheren und effizienten Postempfang benötigen. Mit seinem minimalistischen Design und der robusten Verarbeitung ist dies die perfekte Wahl für alle, die Wert auf Qualität und Stil legen.
Schlankes und zeitloses Design
Der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Dijon hat ein modernes und dezentes Erscheinungsbild, das mühelos zu verschiedenen Fassadenstilen passt. Die anthrazitfarbene Pulverbeschichtung verleiht dem Briefkasten eine schicke Optik und erhält seine schöne Optik über Jahre ohne zu verblassen. Durch die minimalistische Gestaltung fügt sich der Briefkasten harmonisch in jeden Eingangsbereich ein.
Kompakte und praktische Größe
Perfekte Größe für jeden Eingang
Mit den Maßen 37 x 37 x 11 cm (Höhe x Breite x Tiefe) ist dieser Briefkasten kompakt genug, um nicht zu viel Platz einzunehmen, aber geräumig genug, um Ihre gesamte Post sicher aufzunehmen. Dadurch eignet es sich ideal sowohl für Wohn- als auch für Geschäftsgebäude.
Gemacht für Nachhaltigkeit
Pulverbeschichteter Stahl für optimalen Schutz
Der Briefkasten ist aus hochwertigem Stahl gefertigt und mit einer langlebigen Pulverbeschichtung versehen. Dieses schützt das Material vor Rost, Witterungseinflüssen und Kratzern und ermöglicht Ihnen eine sorgenfreie Nutzung dieses robusten und zuverlässigen Briefkastens über viele Jahre.
Geräumiger und praktischer Briefkasten
Geeignet für verschiedene Postformate
Der Briefkasten verfügt über eine großzügige Brieföffnung von 33,5 x 3,3 cm , sodass Sie problemlos Briefumschläge, Zeitschriften oder kleine Pakete empfangen können. Sie müssen sich also keine Sorgen über geknickte oder beschädigte Post machen.
Sicher und benutzerfreundlich
Schützen Sie Ihre Post mit einem Zylinderschloss
Sicherheit steht an erster Stelle. Damit nur Sie Zugriff auf Ihre Post haben, ist der Practo Garden Dijon mit einem stabilen Zylinderschloss inklusive zwei Schlüsseln ausgestattet. Das verhindert ungewollte Zugriffe und gibt Ihnen Sicherheit, gerade bei wichtiger oder vertraulicher Post.
Einfache und schnelle Installation
Inklusive Befestigungsmaterial
Kein Ärger mit Nachkaufmöglichkeiten: Der Briefkasten wird mit allem benötigten Montagematerial geliefert. So können Sie es ganz einfach an der Wand oder einem Ständer befestigen und es ist sofort einsatzbereit.
Warum sollten Sie sich für den Gartenbriefkasten Dijon Anthrazit von Practo entscheiden?
Schlankes und stilvolles Design: passt perfekt zu modernen Fassaden.
Kompakte Größe: ideal für Zuhause und das Büro.
Wetterbeständiger, pulverbeschichteter Stahl: rost- und verschleißfest.
Geräumige Brieföffnung: ideal für Umschläge und Zeitschriften.
Sicheres Zylinderschloss: schützt Ihre Post vor unbefugtem Zugriff.
Einfache Installation: Wird komplett mit Montagematerial geliefert.
Suchen Sie einen zuverlässigen und stilvollen Briefkasten, der Ihre Post sicher und trocken aufbewahrt? Dann ist der Practo Gartenbriefkasten Dijon Anthrazit die ideale Wahl. Bestellen Sie noch heute und freuen Sie sich über einen perfekt organisierten Postempfang!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
The authentic mailbox is back! The design of this mailbox is identical to the popular PTT letterbox. This mail cabinet is available in four modern RAL colors and is made of good quality plastic. The mailbox can be closed with a lid, below there is an insertion opening with a (lockable) partition. The dimensions of the mailbox are 46.6cm x 33cm x 17.5cm (hxwxd). Mailbox|Two keys
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
The authentic mailbox is back! The design of this mailbox is identical to the popular PTT letterbox. This mail cabinet is available in four modern RAL colors and is made of good quality plastic. The mailbox can be closed with a lid, below there is an insertion opening with a (lockable) partition. The dimensions of the mailbox are 46.6cm x 33cm x 17.5cm (hxwxd). Mailbox|Two keys
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
1 in stock
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
The SafePost 65 is an elegant and secure solution for receiving packages and large mail items. This silver-gray letterbox is made of sturdy steel and has a parcel compartment and cylinder lock with two keys. The letterbox can be mounted on the wall or placed free-standing using the supplied mounting material and the optional SafePost stand 1414.
With a capacity of 60 liters, an opening of 38.5x4 cm and a maximum package size of 58x38.5x22.5 cm, this letterbox is perfect for receiving packages of any size. The delivery person can simply drop the package in the letterbox, after which it will be locked. This way you can receive your packages safely, without anyone having to be at home. Order the SafePost 65 now and enjoy a safe and easy solution for receiving parcels
1 in stock
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
1 in stock
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
This mailbox has minor damage. This is an old showroom model. Due to the collection obligation, we offer a discount.
Viewing possible by appointment.
Contact us at to make an appointment. Pick up is possible in Hamont, Belgium.
The SafePost-Eurotrend 1 freestanding steel letterbox is a designer letterbox with a beautiful anthracite/silver-gray color combination and a sloping front. This letterbox has a large capacity and an adjustable divider base for extra capacity, so you can even store mail for several weeks. The letterbox comes with mounting material and a solid cylinder lock for extra security.
With dimensions of 1000x355x233 mm and an insertion opening of 300x50 mm, this letterbox is an ideal choice for any home. With the supplied threaded rods and bolts you can easily secure the letterbox in concrete or choose one of the stands to place the letterbox on. Upgrade your mail reception with the SafePost-Eurotrend 1 freestanding steel mailbox. Order now!
1 in stock
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
1 in stock
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
This mailbox has minor damage. This is an old showroom model. Due to the collection obligation, we offer a discount.
Viewing possible by appointment.
Contact us at to make an appointment. Pick up is possible in Hamont, Belgium.
Do you also want all packages to be delivered to your home without delay? This modern, attractive and free-standing parcel letterbox with removal at the rear is a practical and elegant solution for receiving your mail and parcels at home. Thanks to its design, the Dropbox can be mounted independently. This modern letterbox is a safe and future-oriented solution for all your mail and parcels.
Because the bottom compartment is very spacious, this letterbox can safely receive and store a large number of letters and packages. This is also easy if you are on holiday, for example.
It is made of high-quality stainless aluminum and has a matte black powder coating.
Operation: The delivery person opens the flap at the top and places the mail & packs in. After this he closes the valve. The post & packages move to the lower (secure) area. The package is safely stored here. When you get the mail & If you want to remove parcels, you can do this at the back with your unique key. The slot is larger than most parcel letterboxes. This allows you to easily receive most packages from your online purchases.
Letterbox dimensions: W 36.5 x D 27 x H 98.5 cmMaximum package size: W 29.5 x D 16 x H 37.5 cmMaterial thickness: 3 mm
Warranty: We only sell mailboxes that we believe in. That's why we give you a 90-day reflection period and a 2-year warranty. (if properly maintained)
Installation:The Dropbox has 6 mounting holes. These holes have a diameter of 13mm. You attach the bottom to a concrete base (available at a DIY store). You can then screw it to the top with bolts.
The benefits of Dropbox:
All parcel services deliver to this parcel letterbox
Tested and approved by Bpost
You can receive 85% of all parcels with it
Impact damping, valve closes slowly and silently
UV and frost resistant
Spring foam at the bottom to cushion the fall of your package
Quality powder coating
Made from stainless aluminum
Drop valve system for parcels and letters together
Equipped with 6 mounting holes for secure mounting
Received several deliveries per day
Comes with:- Free Mounting material (worth €79)
1 in stock
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
1 in stock
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
This letterbox has significant shipping damage and is therefore being sold for a fraction of the original price. Suitable for those who are handy and can carry out repairs themselves. The paint needs to be touched up and the rear door is blocked (see video).
The Practo Garden Parcel Letterbox Cologne matt black is made of steel. The steel has been given a coating, making the letterbox resistant to weather influences. The mail and parcels go into the letterbox through the slot at the front and can be removed from the front.
Thanks to the design, the letterbox has extra interior space and the box is extra deep. The letterbox is supplied with a cylinder lock with two keys.
Standing parcel letterbox
Structured paint matt black
Large opening (21 x 41 cm) with non-return valve and damping closure
Max. package dimensions: 15x37.3x24.5 cm
Cylinder lock with two keys
Including ground mounting, easy to anchor
Installation:The letterbox has 4 mounting holes. This allows you to attach it to the letterbox base at the bottom of this page.
By ordering the letterbox base, you make installation a lot easier. No hassle with concrete or tiles; simply put the base in the ground and screw the letterbox on. It saves time and effort, and you will find the foot at the bottom of the page under 'Smart combinations'.
Order the Practo Garden Parcel Letterbox Cologne matt black today!
1 in stock
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Imagine: you come home and your eye is immediately drawn to a striking, contemporary letterbox unit that fits perfectly with the modern look of your home. The Blocky Trio Anthracite offers exactly that feeling – a masterfully shaped concrete mailbox that can accommodate the mail of three residents in one stylish construction. This way you combine convenience, safety and design in a unique solution.
Why choose the Blocky Trio Anthracite?
The Blocky Trio Anthracite is not just a triple letterbox. It immediately gives your home a sturdy and distinctive character, while receiving the mail from three different residents in a practical way. Each user has their own lockable space, complete with two keys per compartment. This way, everyone's privacy and safety are guaranteed. The slim, vertical design provides a minimalist appearance, while the robust concrete effortlessly defies wind and weather.
A statement in style, but for three
With its smooth finish and sleek design, the Blocky Trio Anthracite is perfect for lovers of a modern and industrial look. The design is cast entirely from high-quality concrete, which ensures a seamless finish and a particularly sturdy construction. The three separate mailboxes take up little space, but their sturdy design attracts all the attention as a refined eye-catcher at your entrance.
Safety first – for everyone
Of course you want to be sure that your mail is protected. The Blocky Trio Anthracite therefore has three aluminum doors at the back, each of which can be locked with its own set of keys. You will receive two keys per mailbox, so a total of six. This way, everyone can be sure that only the right person has access to his or her mail, with a spare key always at hand.
Benefits that make the difference
If you choose the Blocky Trio Anthracite, you are choosing more than just a letterbox. These benefits make the difference:
Three separate mailboxes: ideal for multiple residents, each with its own set of two keys.
Stable and flexible placement: the Blocky Trio Anthracite can stand firmly on a flat surface without anchoring. Would you prefer extra security? Then simply glue the base to a hard surface.
Weather-resistant and durable: the high-quality concrete mix is easy to maintain and will last for years, even in changing weather conditions.
Ease of use: The vertical slots make it easy to throw in mail, and by tilting the unit slightly forward, rainwater can drain quickly.
Color choice: the dark and robust 'Anthracite' or the lighter, elegant 'Concrete Grey' - whichever shade you choose, you will enjoy the same top quality.
Dimensions and specific details
Thanks to its well-thought-out design, the Blocky Trio Anthracite fits seamlessly with different types of homes, from sleek and modern to industrial and minimalist. This triple model has the following features:
Dimensions of letterbox unit: 105 x 60 x 40 cm (HxWxD)
Material: concrete
Direction of slots: vertical
Rain visor: yes
Number of keys: 2 per compartment, so 6 in total
Number of slots: 3 (1 per compartment)
Warranty: 2 years
Placement: freestanding
Color choice: Anthracite or Concrete Gray
Due to its sophisticated layout, the Blocky Trio Anthracite looks both functional and elegant, so that it fits perfectly with any living style.
Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship
This concrete letterbox unit is completely manufactured in our own workshop in Belgium, with more than 35 years of expertise in decorative concrete. Every detail is carefully finished and only high-quality materials are used. This means you are assured of a solid and sustainable investment.
Choose a timeless look – for three
With the Blocky Trio Anthracite you provide your home with a triple, timeless letterbox solution that will retain its stylish appearance for years to come. Whether you are a fan of a modern or industrial look, this letterbox unit immediately gives any facade extra character. Be surprised by the combination of minimalism and robust quality – and enjoy the convenience and peace of mind every day of a letterbox unit designed for three people.
What are you waiting for? Make your entrance a true eye-catcher and choose the Blocky Trio Anthracite – the perfect mix of design, sustainability and functionality. Your post deserves the very best!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Imagine: you come home and your eye is immediately drawn to a striking, contemporary letterbox unit that fits perfectly with the modern look of your home. The Blocky Duo Anthracite offers exactly that feeling – a masterfully shaped concrete mailbox that can accommodate the mail of two residents in one sleek construction. This way you combine convenience, safety and design in a stylish solution.
Why choose the Blocky Duo Anthracite?
This Blocky Duo Anthracite is not just a double letterbox. It immediately adds a cool and distinctive character to your facade, while receiving the mail from two different residents in a practical way. Each user has their own lockable space, including two keys. This way, everyone's privacy and safety are guaranteed. The sleek, vertical design provides a minimalist look, while the concrete is weather-resistant and durable.
A statement in style, but for two
With its smooth finish and sleek design, the Blocky Duo Anthracite is ideal for those who love a modern and industrial look. The letterbox unit is cast entirely from high-quality concrete, which ensures a seamless finish and an extremely sturdy construction. The two separate mailboxes take up little space, but their sturdy design attracts all the attention as a refined eye-catcher at the front door.
Safety first for both residents
Of course you want to be sure that your mail is protected. The Blocky Duo Anthracite has two aluminum doors at the back, both lockable with their own set of keys. This way, each resident receives their own pair of keys and you can be sure that only the right person has access to his or her mail. It is extra useful that you receive two keys per mailbox as standard, so that you always have a spare copy at home.
Benefits that make the difference
If you choose the Blocky Duo Anthracite, you are choosing more than just a letterbox. These benefits make the difference:
Double mailbox solution: two separate compartments, each with its own set of keys – ideal for homes with multiple residents.
Sturdy and flexible to place: Thanks to its robust construction, the Blocky Duo Anthracite can stand stably on a flat surface, without anchoring being strictly necessary. Do you still want to secure it extra? Then you simply glue the base to a hard surface.
Weather-resistant and durable: High-quality concrete ensures a solid and easy-to-maintain product that will last for years – even in changing weather conditions.
Optimal ease of use: the vertical slots make it easy to throw in mail, while rainwater drains away easily if you tilt the unit slightly forward.
Color choice: Go for the dark and robust 'Anthracite' or choose 'Concrete Gray' if you want a lighter, more subtle shade. Whichever color you choose, you will enjoy the same premium quality.
Dimensions and specific details
Thanks to its well-thought-out design, the Blocky Duo Anthracite fits seamlessly with different types of homes, from sleek and modern to industrial and minimalist. This double model has the following dimensions:
Dimensions of letterbox unit: 105 x 40 x 40 cm (HxWxD)
Material: concrete
Direction of slots: vertical
Rain visor: yes
Number of keys per mailbox: 2 (so 4 in total)
Number of slots: 2 (1 per mailbox)
Warranty: 2 years
Placement: freestanding
Color choice: Anthracite or Concrete Gray
Thanks to its smart layout, the Blocky Duo Anthracite looks both functional and elegant, making it a perfect fit for any living style.
Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship
This concrete letterbox unit is completely manufactured in our own workshop in Belgium, supported by more than 35 years of expertise in decorative concrete. Every detail has been finished with care and only high-quality materials are used. This way you can count on a reliable and sustainable investment.
Choose a timeless look – for two
With the Blocky Duo Anthracite you provide your home with a double, timeless letterbox solution that will retain its stylish appearance for years to come. Whether you like a modern or industrial design, this letterbox unit gives every facade a characterful upgrade. Be convinced by the unique combination of minimalism and sturdy quality – and enjoy the convenience and safety of a letterbox unit designed for two people every day.
What are you waiting for? Make your entrance a true eye-catcher and choose the Blocky Duo Anthracite – the perfect mix of design, sustainability and functionality. Your post – and that of your fellow resident – deserves the very best!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Imagine: you come home and the first thing you notice is a letterbox that immediately catches the eye with its stylish, modern design. The Plurel is such an eye-catcher – a concrete letterbox with an open slot, perfect for those looking for a combination of practical versatility and a minimalist look. Moreover, this letterbox is made up of two parts: a base and the letterbox on top. This way you can easily create extra mailboxes by placing a second or even third module on top. Ideal for a semi-detached house or apartment!
Why choose the Plurel?
With the Plurel you not only enjoy a sleek, contemporary design, but also the option to expand your letterbox setup. This makes it ideal for homes with multiple residents, or if you would like a spare space for parcels or advertising, for example. The door at the back is made of aluminum and can easily be locked with a key, so that your mail remains safely stored. By default you receive two keys, useful if you lose one or want to share it.
A modular and timeless design
The Plurel is distinguished by its modular construction: the combination of a robust base and a separate top part makes it possible to stack multiple letterbox elements. Thanks to the smooth concrete and seamless finish, it looks sleek and sober, which fits perfectly with a modern or industrial living style. Due to the natural aging of the concrete, it will acquire a light patina over time, which contributes to the sturdy character of this letterbox.
Safe and easy to use
The aluminum door at the back allows you to collect your mail in peace and quiet without having to sneak around from the street. With the included keys you can be sure that only you (and possibly your fellow residents) have access to the contents. This gives you peace of mind, especially when you are expecting important mail.
Benefits that make the difference
Open slot: easy for quick insertion, ideal for both letters and printed matter.
Modular and expandable: You can place multiple mailboxes on top of each other, making the Plurel suitable for a semi-detached house or apartment.
Seamless construction: One piece of cast concrete provides a sleek look and maximum strength.
Color choice: choose 'Anthracite' if you like a dark gray, industrial look.
Secure back door: lockable with a key - two keys included.
Installation and maintenance
Easily place the Plurel on a flat and hard surface. In principle, anchoring is not necessary because the concrete base provides sufficient stability. Do you want extra security? Then you glue the letterbox with a (silicone) glue on, for example, a concrete base or clinkers. If you tilt the Plurel slightly forward, rainwater will drain better through the open groove, so that your mail remains optimally dry.
Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship
Like all Sierbeton letterboxes, the Plurel is handmade in their Belgian workshop. The combination of more than 35 years of experience and pure craftsmanship results in a concrete mailbox of the highest quality. Because it is cast in one piece (with the exception of the optional extra modules), there are no annoying seams and you enjoy a durable, seamless finish.
Sierbeton: a family business with passion
Decorative concrete has been a fixture in the production of concrete products for decades. This family business assembles every letterbox with care, precision and a passion for craftsmanship. The colors shown in photos may differ slightly from reality, but regardless of the shade you choose, you are assured of a sustainable investment that you will enjoy for years to come.
Choose a future-proof solution
Would you like a letterbox with an open slot, which you can easily expand if necessary? Then the Plurel is your perfect match. Discover for yourself how this letterbox gives your facade a modern and sturdy look, while offering plenty of space to neatly collect mail and parcels. Be convinced by the power of Belgian craftsmanship in combination with a stylish design!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Imagine: you come home and immediately notice a mailbox that is just that little bit different. The Ronda is a sturdy and stylish letterbox made of smooth concrete, with the round roof as a striking feature. This not only gives you a practical solution for your mail, but also a real eye-catcher in the street scene.
Why choose the Ronda?
The Ronda not only offers a modern and distinctive design, but also an extremely sturdy construction that can effortlessly defy wind and weather. The seamless cast concrete provides a rock-solid base, while the aluminum door at the back can be locked with a key. This way, all your mail will remain safely stored, and you will even receive two keys with your purchase for extra convenience.
Unique with a round roof
The round roof is a playful element that distinguishes the Ronda from other concrete mailboxes. This design provides a subtle variation on the industrial look, making the letterbox suitable for almost any type of home. From modern to rural or classic – the Ronda immediately adds character to your facade.
Safe and easy to use
With the lockable door at the back, you can be sure that only you have access to your mail. The sleek design is also easy to maintain; a light cleaning is sufficient to keep the Ronda in top condition. The seamless concrete is resistant to various weather conditions, so you can enjoy this special letterbox for years to come.
Benefits that make the difference
Unique appearance: the round roof makes the Ronda a real eye-catcher on every street.
High quality: Completely cast from one piece of concrete, for maximum strength and a seamless finish.
Choice of colour: choose from 'Concrete Grey' for a dark gray and modern look, or 'Concrete Grey' for a lighter, subtle shade.
Weather-resistant: Concrete develops a sturdy, industrial patina over the years, without sacrificing durability.
Easy to maintain: Regular cleaning is sufficient to keep your mailbox beautiful.
Installation and maintenance
You can easily place the Ronda on a flat, stable surface without anchoring it. Would you like extra security? Then glue it with a (silicone) glue on a hard surface such as a concrete base or clinkers. A useful tip: tilt the Ronda a little bit forward, so that rainwater drains quickly and the inside remains optimally dry.
Belgian craftsmanship and quality
The Ronda comes from our workshop, a Belgian family business with more than 35 years of experience in manufacturing decorative concrete. Every product is cast and finished with the utmost care, so that you can count on a solid and durable letterbox. The slight discoloration or weathering that can occur over time gives the Ronda a sturdy, authentic appearance.
An investment that pays off
With the Ronda you opt for a striking design that is distinguished by the round roof. At the same time, you enjoy a letterbox that is weatherproof, safe and easy to maintain. Please note that the colors shown in photos may differ slightly from reality. Whichever shade you choose – 'Concrete Grey' or 'Concrete Grey' – the Ronda is a sustainable investment that you will enjoy for years to come.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Imagine: you come home and immediately notice a mailbox that is just that little bit different. The Ronda is a sturdy and stylish letterbox made of smooth concrete, with the round roof as a striking feature. This not only gives you a practical solution for your mail, but also a real eye-catcher in the street scene.
Why choose the Ronda?
The Ronda not only offers a modern and distinctive design, but also an extremely sturdy construction that can effortlessly defy wind and weather. The seamless cast concrete provides a rock-solid base, while the aluminum door at the back can be locked with a key. This way, all your mail will remain safely stored, and you will even receive two keys with your purchase for extra convenience.
Unique with a round roof
The round roof is a playful element that distinguishes the Ronda from other concrete mailboxes. This design provides a subtle variation on the industrial look, making the letterbox suitable for almost any type of home. From modern to rural or classic – the Ronda immediately adds character to your facade.
Safe and easy to use
With the lockable door at the back, you can be sure that only you have access to your mail. The sleek design is also easy to maintain; a light cleaning is sufficient to keep the Ronda in top condition. The seamless concrete is resistant to various weather conditions, so you can enjoy this special letterbox for years to come.
Benefits that make the difference
Unique appearance: the round roof makes the Ronda a real eye-catcher on every street.
High quality: Completely cast from one piece of concrete, for maximum strength and a seamless finish.
Choice of colour: choose from 'Anthracite' for a dark gray and modern look, or 'Concrete Grey' for a lighter, subtle shade.
Weather-resistant: Concrete develops a sturdy, industrial patina over the years, without sacrificing durability.
Easy to maintain: Regular cleaning is sufficient to keep your mailbox beautiful.
Installation and maintenance
You can easily place the Ronda on a flat, stable surface without anchoring it. Would you like extra security? Then glue it with a (silicone) glue on a hard surface such as a concrete base or clinkers. A useful tip: tilt the Ronda a little bit forward, so that rainwater drains quickly and the inside remains optimally dry.
Belgian craftsmanship and quality
The Ronda comes from our workshop, a Belgian family business with more than 35 years of experience in manufacturing decorative concrete. Every product is cast and finished with the utmost care, so that you can count on a solid and durable letterbox. The slight discoloration or weathering that can occur over time gives the Ronda a sturdy, authentic appearance.
An investment that pays off
With the Ronda you opt for a striking design that is distinguished by the round roof. At the same time, you enjoy a letterbox that is weatherproof, safe and easy to maintain. Please note that the colors shown in photos may differ slightly from reality. Whichever shade you choose – 'Anthracite' or 'Concrete Grey' – the Ronda is a sustainable investment that you will enjoy for years to come.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Imagine: you come home and you immediately notice a modern, minimalist mailbox that perfectly matches the style of your home. That is exactly what the Greca offers you – a unique letterbox made of smooth concrete that brings together comfort, safety and design in a stunning way.
Why choose the Greca?
The Greca is not just a letterbox, but a real statement. It is made from one piece of concrete, which ensures a sturdy, seamless design. This high-quality construction not only makes it durable, but also gives your home a sturdy and industrial look. Thanks to the aluminum door at the back, which you can lock with a key, you can be sure that your mail is always safe. You receive two keys as standard, so you always have a spare at hand.
A timeless design that stands out
Anyone who likes a sleek, modern look will love the Greca. The smooth concrete looks industrial and only becomes more characteristic over time due to the influences of wind and weather. In this way, the Greca develops a subtle, natural patina that gives it an even tougher look without detracting from its quality.
Safety and convenience in one
The aluminum door at the back closes perfectly and can be locked with one turn of the key. This means you are the only one who can access your letters and packages. This not only provides peace of mind, but also a pleasant feeling of security.
Benefits that make the difference
Seamless design: Because the Greca is cast in one piece, you enjoy a sleek design without visible seams or cracks.
Wear-resistant and weather-resistant: Concrete can take a beating and requires little maintenance. Perfect for the changeable climate in our region.
Plenty of color choice: You can choose from two shades: 'Anthracite' for a modern, dark gray look or 'Concrete Gray' for a lighter, more subtle accent.
Easy to use: The vertical design and stable base make placement easy. You do not necessarily have to anchor the Greca, but you can do so for extra security.
Installation and maintenance
Easily place the Greca on a flat, hard surface. Because it is so stable, anchoring is not always necessary. If you want an extra sturdy base, you can glue the letterbox (with silicone, for example) to a concrete base or other sturdy surface. A useful tip: tilt the Greca slightly forward, so that rainwater can drain more easily. This way, the inside and your mail remain optimally protected.
Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship
Every Greca letterbox is manufactured with the greatest care in our own workshop in Belgium, according to pure craftsmanship. You will immediately notice this experience and expertise in the sleek design and solid quality.
Sustainable choice
Concrete is known for its long lifespan and robustness. This makes the Greca not only a stylish, but also a responsible choice. You hardly have to worry about wear, rust or rapid discoloration. The slight weathering that does occur contributes to the sturdy and distinctive character of this beautiful letterbox.
Choose a unique eye-catcher
Do you want a letterbox that is both functional and visually impressive? Then the Greca is the perfect match. Thanks to its timeless and industrial design, it really adds character to any home. Please note that the colors shown in photos may differ slightly from reality, but regardless of which shade you choose, the Greca will give you an exclusive and sustainable showpiece!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Imagine: you walk to your front door and the first thing you see is a modern mailbox that perfectly matches the appearance of your home. The Colomn Concrete Gray gives exactly that feeling – a uniquely designed letterbox made of smooth concrete. Discover how this stylish eye-catcher makes your daily routine easier, while also optimally protecting your mail from wind and weather.
Why choose the Colomn Concrete Grey?
The Colomn Concrete Gray not only guarantees a sleek and contemporary design, but also a sturdy and durable construction. Thanks to the seamless design, which results from casting in one piece, it looks elegant and minimalist. The hard core of high-quality concrete ensures that this letterbox can last for many years, without sacrificing style or strength. Moreover, the aluminum door at the back closes perfectly and you can easily lock it with a key, so that you are the only one who can access your mail.
A sleek, industrial touch
With its smooth finish and robust concrete structure, the Colomn Concrete Gray exudes an industrial atmosphere. The natural aging of the concrete under the influence of the weather only contributes to the sturdy, characteristic appearance. No fuss, just a pure and stylish letterbox that effortlessly adapts to any modern or minimalist home.
Safety and comfort in one
You naturally want to be sure that your letters and packages are well protected. The aluminum door at the back keeps your mail safely stored and is locked with a key. When purchasing you will receive two keys, so you always have a spare. This way you never have to worry about unauthorized people gaining access to your correspondence.
Benefits that make the difference
Flexible in placement: the Colomn Concrete Gray is so sturdy that it remains stable without anchoring. If desired, you can anchor it to a hard, flat surface with (silicone) glue.
Maintenance-friendly durability: The high-quality concrete effortlessly defies wind and weather. As the years pass, the surface takes on a subtly weathered, industrial look.
Versatile color choice: Choose 'Concrete Grey' if you like a dark grey, sturdy look or go for the light 'Concrete Grey' if you prefer a subtle, soft shade.
Seamless design: Because the Colomn Concrete Gray is cast in one piece, there are no disturbing seams or edges. This gives the letterbox a sleek and timeless character.
You can easily place the Colomn Concrete Gray on a flat surface. Do you want extra security or are you dealing with an unstable surface? Then you can anchor it without any problems. For example, glue the base to a concrete base or sturdy surface, so that your letterbox stays perfectly in place even in strong winds. A useful tip: tilt the Colomn Concrete Gray slightly forward, so that rainwater can drain better and the contents remain optimally dry.
Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship
In the workshop in Belgium, each Column Concrete Gray is finished by hand by experienced professionals who have been working with decorative concrete for more than 35 years. The quality of the material and the precise finish make this letterbox an investment that you will enjoy for years to come.
Choose a timeless look
Are you going for a letterbox that seamlessly brings together appearance, convenience and safety? Then the Colomn Concrete Gray is the ideal choice for you. It combines a minimalist design with proven durability, so that you can be proud of the look of your entrance for years to come. Moreover, its industrial character gives a stylish touch to any facade. Please note: the colors shown in the photos may differ slightly from reality, but whatever shade you choose – with the Colomn Concrete Gray you will definitely get a sturdy, easy-to-maintain and, above all, beautiful letterbox!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Imagine: you walk to your front door and the first thing you see is a modern mailbox that perfectly matches the appearance of your home. The Colomn Anthracite gives exactly that feeling – a uniquely designed letterbox made of smooth concrete. Discover how this stylish eye-catcher makes your daily routine easier, while also optimally protecting your mail from wind and weather.
Why choose the Colomn Anthracite?
The Colomn Anthracite not only guarantees a sleek and contemporary design, but also a sturdy and durable construction. Thanks to the seamless design, which results from casting in one piece, it looks elegant and minimalist. The hard core of high-quality concrete ensures that this letterbox can last for many years, without sacrificing style or strength. Moreover, the aluminum door at the back closes perfectly and you can easily lock it with a key, so that you are the only one who can access your mail.
A sleek, industrial touch
With its smooth finish and robust concrete structure, the Colomn Anthracite exudes an industrial atmosphere. The natural aging of the concrete under the influence of the weather only contributes to the sturdy, characteristic appearance. No fuss, just a pure and stylish letterbox that effortlessly adapts to any modern or minimalist home.
Safety and comfort in one
You naturally want to be sure that your letters and packages are well protected. The aluminum door at the back keeps your mail safely stored and is locked with a key. When purchasing you will receive two keys, so you always have a spare. This way you never have to worry about unauthorized people gaining access to your correspondence.
Benefits that make the difference
Flexible in placement: the Colomn Anthracite is so sturdy that it remains stable without anchoring. If desired, you can anchor it to a hard, flat surface with (silicone) glue.
Maintenance-friendly durability: The high-quality concrete effortlessly defies wind and weather. As the years pass, the surface takes on a subtly weathered, industrial look.
Versatile color choice: Choose 'Anthracite' if you like a dark gray, sturdy look or go for the light 'Concrete Gray' if you prefer a subtle, soft shade.
Seamless design: Because the Colomn Anthracite is cast in one piece, there are no disturbing seams or edges. This gives the letterbox a sleek and timeless character.
You can easily place the Colomn Anthracite on a flat surface. Do you want extra security or are you dealing with an unstable surface? Then you can anchor it without any problems. For example, glue the base to a concrete base or sturdy surface, so that your letterbox stays perfectly in place even in strong winds. A useful tip: tilt the Colomn Anthracite slightly forward, so that rainwater can drain better and the contents remain optimally dry.
Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship
In the workshop in Belgium, each Colomn Anthracite is finished by hand by experienced professionals who have been working with decorative concrete for more than 35 years. The quality of the material and the precise finish make this letterbox an investment that you will enjoy for years to come.
Choose a timeless look
Are you going for a letterbox that seamlessly brings together appearance, convenience and safety? Then the Colomn Anthracite is the ideal choice for you. It combines a minimalist design with proven durability, so that you can be proud of the look of your entrance for years to come. Moreover, its industrial character gives a stylish touch to any facade. Please note: the colors shown in the photos may differ slightly from reality, but whatever shade you choose – with the Colomn Anthracite you will definitely get a sturdy, easy-to-maintain and, above all, beautiful letterbox!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Imagine: you come home and your eye is immediately drawn to a striking, contemporary letterbox that fits perfectly with the modern look of your home. The Blocky Concrete Gray offers exactly that feeling – a masterfully shaped concrete letterbox that excels in both style and functionality. Discover how this unique eye-catcher makes your life easier, safer and more beautiful.
Why choose the Blocky Concrete Grey?
The Blocky Concrete Gray is not just a letterbox. It immediately gives your home a sturdy and distinctive character, while receiving your mail in a safe and practical way. Its slim, vertical slot underlines the minimalist design and makes this letterbox a true statement. Moreover, you can count on a maintenance-friendly, solid and, above all, durable product that can effortlessly withstand wind and weather.
A statement in style
With its smooth finish and sleek design, the Blocky Concrete Gray is ideal for those who love a modern and industrial look. It is cast entirely from one piece of concrete, which ensures a seamless finish and a sturdy construction. Its slim profile takes up little space, but still attracts attention as a refined eye-catcher at your front door.
Safety first
Of course you want to be sure that your post is protected. The Blocky Concrete Gray has an aluminum door at the back that can be locked with a key. You receive two keys as standard, so you always have an extra one. This way you can be sure that your mail only ends up in the right hands.
Benefits that make the difference
If you choose the Blocky Concrete Gray, you are choosing more than just a letterbox. These benefits make the difference:
Flexible placement: Thanks to the sturdy construction, the Blocky Concrete Gray can stand stably on a flat surface, without the need for anchoring. Do you still want to secure it extra? Then you simply glue the base to a hard surface.
Weather-resistant and durable: The high-quality concrete mix ensures a rock-solid product that will last for years, even in changing weather conditions. The natural aging process of concrete also contributes to its sturdy, industrial appearance.
Optimal ease of use: the vertical slot makes it easy to throw in mail and thanks to the smart design, rainwater drains away. A little tip: tilt the letterbox slightly forward for even better water drainage.
Choice of colour: go for the dark and robust 'Concrete Grey' or the light and elegant 'Concrete Grey'. This way you can tailor the Blocky Concrete Gray perfectly to your home and taste.
Dimensions and specific details
Thanks to its well-thought-out design, the Blocky Concrete Gray fits seamlessly with different types of homes, from sleek and modern to industrial and minimalist. Here you will find all the important details at a glance:
Letterbox dimensions: 111 x 20 x 40 cm (HxWxD)
Foot dimensions: 6 x 32 x 52 cm (HxWxD)
Material: concrete
Slot direction: vertical
Rain visor: yes
Number of keys: 2
Number of slots: 1
Warranty: 2 years
Placement: freestanding
Color choice: Concrete gray or Concrete gray
Due to its compact size and smart layout, the Blocky Concrete Gray looks both elegant and practical, so it fits seamlessly with any living style.
Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship
This concrete mailbox is completely manufactured in our own workshop in Belgium, with more than 35 years of expertise in decorative concrete. The result? A unique product where every detail has been finished with care. The concrete used is of high quality, so you are assured of a reliable and sustainable investment.
Choose a timeless look
With the Blocky Concrete Gray you provide your home with a timeless accent that will retain its attractive appearance for years to come. Whether you like a modern or industrial design, this letterbox adds a touch of character to any facade. Be convinced by the unique combination of minimalism and sturdy quality – and enjoy the peace and security every day that your mail is well protected.
What are you waiting for? Make your entrance a true eye-catcher and choose the Blocky Concrete Gray – the perfect mix of design, durability and functionality. Your post and your home deserve the very best!
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
A letterbox is more than a functional element for receiving mail; it is an extension of your home, a reflection of your style. The Comfrot Concrete Gray Letterbox is specially designed to combine elegance and functionality, thus offering a timeless look that impresses every passer-by. With its classic design and useful features, this concrete mailbox adds both value and aesthetics to your home.
Why choose the Comfrot Concrete Gray Letterbox?
The Letterbox Comfrot Concrete Gray is not just a letterbox, it is a combination of sustainable craftsmanship and stylish simplicity. The characteristic roof above the letterbox flap provides a classic look and offers extra protection against rain and dirt. In addition, the flap is positioned in such a way that your postman can effortlessly deliver letters and newspapers, even during bad weather. Ideal for those who appreciate both ease of use and aesthetics.
Cast from one piece: quality guaranteed
As a manufacturer of high-quality concrete mailboxes, we know better than anyone what is important. Our mailboxes, such as the Comfrot Concrete Gray Letterbox, are cast from one piece of concrete. This not only provides a sleek and natural look, but also makes the letterbox waterproof, colourfast and exceptionally robust. You don't have to worry about damage from the weather; This letterbox is sturdy and reliable, year after year.
Elegant and practical design
The Letterbox Comfrot Concrete Gray offers more than just a beautiful exterior. With a door at the back, emptying the letterbox is simple and user-friendly. The aluminum front cover adds a modern touch to the classic design and provides extra durability. Moreover, the letterbox is heavy enough to place loosely on a surface, without the need for anchoring.
Sustainable and stylish: an investment that pays off
Choose the Comfrot Concrete Gray Letterbox and enjoy a product that is made with craftsmanship. Thanks to the use of high-quality concrete, this letterbox can withstand the test of time. The sleek design adds a touch of elegance to your garden or driveway, while the practical functionalities ensure that you can receive and manage your mail effortlessly.
A letterbox for every style
Whether you prefer a modern look or a classic look, our collection of concrete mailboxes offers a wide range of choices. The Comfrot Concrete Gray Letterbox stands out because of its timeless design and is perfect for lovers of a classic, but stylish look. Each model is finished with the greatest attention to detail, so that you are assured of a unique and durable product.
Note: Colors may vary
Please note that the colors in the photos may differ from reality. This is due to lighting effects and screen settings. Nevertheless, you can trust that the quality and finish of the Comfrot Concrete Gray Letterbox always meet our high standards.
Order your Comfrot Concrete Gray Letterbox today
Give your home a stylish look and invest in a letterbox that combines functionality and beauty. With the Comfrot Concrete Gray Letterbox you choose a durable, high-quality product that will last for years. Don't wait any longer and add this elegant masterpiece to your home.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
Welcome to the Concrete Mailbox Modem, where functionality and elegance come together in a unique, sustainable solution for your mail. Whether you are looking for a practical design for an apartment, a semi-detached house, or a detached house, the Modem mailbox is designed to perfectly suit your needs. With this versatile letterbox you not only get a user-friendly product, but also a stylish element that embellishes your home.
Why choose the Concrete Letterbox Modem?
Durable and Easy to maintain
The Concrete Letterbox Modem is made of high-quality concrete that is cast in one piece. This means that it can withstand all weather conditions and is guaranteed waterproof and colourfast. You don't have to worry about rust or fading as this mailbox will stay in top condition for years to come.
Flexible and Adaptable
What makes this mailbox truly unique is the ability to adapt it to your living needs. The modular design, consisting of a sturdy base and the letterbox itself, allows you to easily add additional units. This makes the Modem mailbox ideal for a semi-detached house, an apartment complex, or even a detached house where you want to maintain flexibility.
Elegant and Practical Design
The sleek, natural design of the Concrete Letterbox Modem suits both modern and classic homes. With an aluminum flap on the front and a handy door on the back, this letterbox offers a user-friendly experience and optimal protection of your mail.
Heavy and Stable Construction
With its sturdy weight, the Modem mailbox remains safely in place without additional mounting. Simply place it on a flat surface and you will immediately start enjoying the benefits of this robust and reliable posting solution.
Get the Perfect Mailbox
The Concrete Letterbox Modem not only offers durability and functionality, but also aesthetic added value for your home. Designed with craftsmanship and attention to detail, this is the ideal choice for those looking for a reliable and stylish letterbox. Don't hesitate and make your choice today.
Color information
Please note: the colors shown in the photos may differ slightly from reality. We recommend that you take this into account when making your choice.
Delivery within 3 working days
In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.
767,05 639,21
Here you will find our latest range in the letterboxes category: