Corten steel products
Discover the largest range of corten steel products
Bring peace and atmosphere to your garden with our CascadiOC8 waterfall (on pond) - 100x25x160cm 57kg - corten steel, the perfect addition to any garden. This versatile pond wall is suitable for placing on both the long and short sides of your pond, making it a dynamic and striking part of your garden. We offer free-standing pond walls with various options, such as an integrated waterfall or three pipes from which the water flows gracefully. This way you will always find a pond wall that fits perfectly with your pond and garden. The Corten steel, with its characteristic orange-brown color, acquires a natural rust layer that only becomes stronger due to weather conditions. Also known as weather-resistant steel, Corten steel forms a protective layer against further corrosion and thus guarantees a long lifespan for the pond wall. What is corten steel? Corten steel is a durable metal alloy consisting of iron, to which copper, phosphorus, silicon, nickel and chromium have been added. When exposed to the outside air, the material develops a protective rust layer, which prevents further corrosion. This ensures that our pond walls are not only stylish, but also durable and low-maintenance. Advantages of CascadiOC8 waterfall (on pond) - 100x25x160cm 57kg - corten steel: Warranty: 2 year warranty on the pond wall (2 year warranty on the pump). Customization: Customization options are available to meet your specific needs. Click here to request customization. Includes: Supplied with pump. Weather-resistant: Corten steel pond walls are wear-resistant, weather-resistant and low-maintenance. Material: Standard material thickness of 2 mm corten steel. Good to know: The pond is delivered unrusted, the rusting process takes 4-5 months, depending on weather conditions. Do you want to speed up the rusting process to 2 to 3 weeks? Then consider our rust accelerator. Then protect the rust layer with our rust fixer, a penetrating anti-rust agent that prevents the corten steel from rubbing and provides extra protection. Products must be unpacked immediately upon receipt to prevent irregular rust spots. The pH value of the water should be neutral (pH 7) to protect the material. Clean annually by spraying off coarse dirt with tap water. Optional: Have you seen our ponds yet? Together with our pond walls, they create a beautiful dynamic between all the greenery in your garden! Winter use: Always remove the plug from the socket in frost conditions. Lower the water level to at least 10 cm below the edge. A frost protector is recommended, available at garden centers or hardware stores. The pump can remain in the water if the above conditions are met. You can also choose to remove the pump from the water and leave it to hibernate under water in a frost-free place. With the CascadiOC8 waterfall (on pond) - 100x25x160cm 57kg - corten steel you not only add a functional element to your garden, but also a beautiful decorative piece that will last for years. Whether you choose a model with a waterfall or with graceful water streams, this pond wall will make a lasting impression and contribute to a soothing atmosphere in your outdoor space.
Create unforgettable evenings in your garden with this high-quality fire bowl. Thanks to the timeless design and durable construction of corten steel, this fire bowl is not only an atmosphere maker, but also an investment that you will enjoy for years to come. The material fits perfectly in both modern and classic gardens, making it a versatile addition to any outdoor space. Advantages of the Geroba Oskol Fire Bowl Corten Steel: Exceptional durability: Made of class A corten steel, the strongest and most durable corten steel on the market, ensuring the fire bowl will last for years. Stylish and versatile: The timeless design fits effortlessly into both modern and classic gardens. Ecologically responsible: The fire bowl is fully recyclable, which contributes to a sustainable living environment. Weather-resistant: Resistant to UV radiation and frost, so the fire bowl can be used in any season. Incredible atmosphere: Enjoy warm, cozy evenings with friends and family around this beautiful fire bowl. Heating advice for optimal use: Start with firelighters and small pieces of dry wood to get the fire going. Gradually use larger pieces of wood to slowly heat the bowl and create a steady fire. Rust process and maintenance: Corten steel is a very strong type of steel that protects itself by developing a natural rust layer when exposed to the outside air. Your fire bowl is delivered unrusted and will develop a beautiful rust color within 6 to 12 months. Do you want to speed up this process? Then use the rust accelerator, available at the bottom of this page with the recommended combinations. For long-term maintenance, we recommend applying a rust fixer after complete rust formation, so that the rust process stops and no rust water comes off the fire bowl. The rust fixer can also be found in the recommended combinations at the bottom of this page. With the Geroba Oskol Fire Bowl Corten Steel you not only create a warm and cozy atmosphere, but you also add a sustainable and stylish element to your garden. Order today and turn your garden into the ultimate relaxation spot for you and your guests.
476,95 - 711,95
The Kortu is a corten steel letterbox from Geroba, with a lockable door at the back. The letterbox has a sleek design that suits both a modern and classic home. The dimensions of the letterbox are 30 x 40 x 100 cm (LxWxH) and it weighs 25 kg. Benefits: Includes two keys Theft resistant Easy to install Combination of strength and durability Weatherproof Made from Corten steel class A Corten steel is 2 mm thick Placement The Kortu is equipped with a loose base plate with 4 mounting holes. These holes have a diameter of 12 mm and are 20 cm apart. You attach the base plate to a concrete base (available at a DIY store). Then place the letterbox over it and screw it to the sides with bolts. The final bolts are included. Corten steel Corten steel is a very strong type of steel that will cover itself with a protective layer of rust when exposed to the outside air. This rust layer provides protection against further corrosion. Characteristic of Corten steel is its brown-orange rust color and its long lifespan. Rust process Corten steel is a very strong type of steel that covers itself with a protective layer of rust when exposed to the outside air. The letterbox is always delivered unrusted and gets its beautiful rust color/layer when it is outside. This process takes approximately 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 weeks by using the rust accelerator. The rust accelerator can be found at the bottom of this page under smart combinations. After it is completely rusted, we always recommend applying a rust fixer. This ensures that the rust process stops and no rust water will come off the letterbox. The rust fixer can also be found at the bottom of this page under smart combinations. Order it Now!
Looking for a reliable solution for your parcel delivery? Imagine: all your packages are delivered to your home safely and without delay, even if you are not at home. This is possible with the Geroba Parcel Letterbox Posta Corten Steel. This robust letterbox combines a stylish, natural look with unrivaled durability, so you can enjoy reliable parcel reception for years to come. Why choose the Geroba Parcel Letterbox Posta Corten Steel? The Geroba Parcel Letterbox Posta Corten Steel not only offers an elegant design that fits seamlessly into any garden or driveway, but also practical advantages that make your daily life easier. This letterbox is made of high-quality Corten steel, which means that it can withstand all weather conditions, from bright sun to severe frost. The spacious dimensions ensure that both small and large packages can be safely stored, even when you are away for a weekend. Durable and user-friendly With the Geroba Parcel Letterbox Posta Corten Steel you no longer have to worry about rust or wear. Over time, the Corten steel develops a characteristic rust layer that not only provides an extra protective layer, but also gives a unique, warm appearance. Moreover, the letterbox is easy to assemble yourself, so you can quickly enjoy the benefits. Always ready for your packages Whether you regularly order online or only expect a package occasionally, the Geroba Parcel Mailbox Posta Corten Steel ensures that your mail is delivered safely and without problems. The spacious bottom of the letterbox offers enough space for various packages, so you will never miss a delivery again. Ready to take your parcel delivery to the next level? Choose the Geroba Parcel Letterbox Posta Corten Steel and enjoy a future-oriented, stylish solution for all your mail and parcels.
Sie suchen eine spritzwassergeschützte Steckdose, die funktional und zugleich formschön ist? Die NIKO Spritzwassergeschützte Steckdose mit Schutzkontakt und M20 Verschraubung bietet nicht nur optimale Sicherheit und Bedienkomfort, sondern passt auch perfekt in jeden Außenbereich. Ob Garten, Terrasse, Garage oder Werkstatt: Diese Steckdose macht Ihr Leben einfacher und sicherer, selbst unter schwierigsten Wetterbedingungen. Warum sollten Sie sich für die spritzwassergeschützte Steckdose von NIKO entscheiden? Die spritzwassergeschützte Steckdose von NIKO wurde speziell dafür entwickelt, die höchsten Sicherheitsstandards zu erfüllen, ohne dabei Kompromisse bei Stil oder Haltbarkeit einzugehen. Der Erdungsanschluss bietet zusätzlichen Schutz vor Stromschlägen, was besonders in feuchten Umgebungen wichtig ist. Darüber hinaus sorgt die mitgelieferte M20-Verschraubung für eine wasserdichte Kabeleinführung, sodass Sie Ihre elektrischen Geräte sorgenfrei und unabhängig vom Wetter nutzen können. Besorgte Liefer- und Wartungstipps Wichtig zu wissen: Die NIKO Spritzwasserschutzsteckdose wird rostfrei geliefert. Um die Lebensdauer des Produktes zu gewährleisten, ist es unbedingt erforderlich, es sofort nach der Lieferung auszupacken. Dadurch wird verhindert, dass sich zwischen Verpackung und Produkt Feuchtigkeit festsetzt, die zu unregelmäßiger Rostbildung und Fleckenbildung führen kann. Bei richtiger Wartung bleibt diese Steckdose viele Jahre lang in Topzustand. Vorteile der NIKO spritzwassergeschützten Steckdose Sehr robust und verschleißfest: Die Buchse ist aus hochwertigen Materialien gefertigt, die intensiver Nutzung und Abnutzung standhalten. Somit müssen Sie auch bei täglichem Einsatz unter anspruchsvollen Bedingungen keine Beschädigungen oder Funktionseinbußen befürchten. Schlichtes und zeitloses Design: Dank ihres eleganten und minimalistischen Designs fügt sich diese Steckdose nahtlos in jede Außenumgebung ein. Egal ob Sie einen modernen oder klassischen Stil bevorzugen, die NIKO-Steckdose verleiht Ihrem Außenbereich eine dezente und stilvolle Note. Wetterfestes und langlebiges Material: Das Material ist beständig gegen Regen, Schnee, Hitze und Kälte. Somit können Sie das ganze Jahr über auf eine zuverlässige Stromversorgung zählen, unabhängig von den Witterungsbedingungen. Warme und natürliche Optik: Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Kunststoffsteckdosen bietet die NIKO-Steckdose eine warme und natürliche Optik, die perfekt zu anderen Außenmaterialien wie Holz, Stein und Cortenstahl harmoniert. 5 Jahre Garantie: Qualität und Langlebigkeit stehen bei NIKO an erster Stelle. Deshalb erhalten Sie auf diese spritzwassergeschützte Steckdose eine 5-Jahres-Garantie, sodass Sie Ihren Außenbereich beruhigt genießen können, ohne sich über Mängel oder Probleme Gedanken machen zu müssen. Perfekt für jeden Außenbereich Egal ob Sie im Freien grillen, Gartenbeleuchtung anschließen oder Elektrowerkzeuge sicher nutzen möchten, die spritzwassergeschützte Steckdose von NIKO bietet die perfekte Lösung. Aufgrund der Vielseitigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit dieser Steckdose eignet sie sich ideal für den Einsatz in Gärten, auf Terrassen, in Garagen, Schuppen und anderen Außenbereichen. Einfache Installation und Benutzerfreundlichkeit Dank ihrer durchdachten Konstruktion ist die NIKO Spritzwasserschutz-Steckdose auch für weniger geübte Heimwerker leicht zu montieren. Die mitgelieferte M20-Verschraubung gewährleistet eine sichere und wasserdichte Kabeleinführung und macht die Installation noch einfacher. Zudem garantiert die robuste Konstruktion einen dauerhaften und zuverlässigen Einsatz, ohne dass Sie befürchten müssen, dass Feuchtigkeit oder Schmutz die Funktionalität beeinträchtigen. Bestellen Sie jetzt und erleben Sie den Komfort einer sicheren Nutzung im Freien Warten Sie nicht länger und entscheiden Sie sich für die spritzwassergeschützte Steckdose NIKO mit Erdung und M20-Verschraubung. Genießen Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Funktionalität, Sicherheit und Stil in Ihrem Außenbereich. Bestellen Sie noch heute und überzeugen Sie sich selbst, warum diese Steckdose die ideale Wahl für jede Außenumgebung ist!
The Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangular 100x40x40cm is a beautiful addition to any garden. This planter is available in different sizes and offers the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. The Artesa flower boxes are available with or without a bottom, and the models with a bottom are equipped with 15mm legs and drainage holes. We also have extra high legs. The top of the Artesa flower boxes is folded 50mm for extra strength and the inside is equipped with reinforcement ribs for extra stability. The Advantages of the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm Exceptional Strength and Durability: Made from high-quality corten steel, this planter will last for years, even in the most challenging weather conditions. Versatile Design: The rust color of Corten steel ensures that this planter fits seamlessly into both modern and classic gardens. Ecologically Responsible: Fully recyclable, making this planter not only sustainable, but also environmentally friendly. Top quality Corten steel: Made from class A corten steel, which is known as the strongest and most durable corten steel on the market. Weather resistant: UV and frost resistant, so the planter can be left outside all year round without sustaining damage. Rust Process and Maintenance Over time, Corten steel develops a natural rust layer that serves as a protective barrier against further corrosion. The Geroba Artesa Planter is delivered unrusted and will acquire its characteristic rust color in 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 to 3 weeks with a rust accelerator, available at the bottom of this page for recommended combinations. After the rusting process, we recommend using a rust fixer to prevent rust water. Planting advice For optimal drainage, we recommend placing a layer of pebbles of approximately 10 cm in the planter, covered with a moisture-permeable anti-root cloth. Make sure that the cloth rises at least 10 cm at the edges for best effect. Cover the anti-root cloth with an airy soil mixture that is suitable for the planting. Please note: do not tamp the soil, as this may cause damage to the container. Warranty We fully support the quality of our products. That's why we offer a 2-year warranty and a 90-day cooling-off period, so you can buy with confidence. Order the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm today!
702,04 590,04
The Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangular 100x40x40cm is a beautiful addition to any garden. This planter is available in different sizes and offers the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. The Artesa flower boxes are available with or without a bottom, and the models with a bottom are equipped with 15mm legs and drainage holes. We also have extra high legs. The top of the Artesa flower boxes is folded 50mm for extra strength and the inside is equipped with reinforcement ribs for extra stability. The Advantages of the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm Exceptional Strength and Durability: Made from high-quality corten steel, this planter will last for years, even in the most challenging weather conditions. Versatile Design: The rust color of Corten steel ensures that this planter fits seamlessly into both modern and classic gardens. Ecologically Responsible: Fully recyclable, making this planter not only sustainable, but also environmentally friendly. Top quality Corten steel: Made from class A corten steel, which is known as the strongest and most durable corten steel on the market. Weather resistant: UV and frost resistant, so the planter can be left outside all year round without sustaining damage. Rust Process and Maintenance Over time, Corten steel develops a natural rust layer that serves as a protective barrier against further corrosion. The Geroba Artesa Planter is delivered unrusted and will acquire its characteristic rust color in 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 to 3 weeks with a rust accelerator, available at the bottom of this page for recommended combinations. After the rusting process, we recommend using a rust fixer to prevent rust water. Planting advice For optimal drainage, we recommend placing a layer of pebbles of approximately 10 cm in the planter, covered with a moisture-permeable anti-root cloth. Make sure that the cloth rises at least 10 cm at the edges for best effect. Cover the anti-root cloth with an airy soil mixture that is suitable for the planting. Please note: do not tamp the soil, as this may cause damage to the container. Warranty We fully support the quality of our products. That's why we offer a 2-year warranty and a 90-day cooling-off period, so you can buy with confidence. Order the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm today!
924,58 658,88
The Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangular 100x40x40cm is a beautiful addition to any garden. This planter is available in different sizes and offers the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. The Artesa flower boxes are available with or without a bottom, and the models with a bottom are equipped with 15mm legs and drainage holes. We also have extra high legs. The top of the Artesa flower boxes is folded 50mm for extra strength and the inside is equipped with reinforcement ribs for extra stability. The Advantages of the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm Exceptional Strength and Durability: Made from high-quality corten steel, this planter will last for years, even in the most challenging weather conditions. Versatile Design: The rust color of Corten steel ensures that this planter fits seamlessly into both modern and classic gardens. Ecologically Responsible: Fully recyclable, making this planter not only sustainable, but also environmentally friendly. Top quality Corten steel: Made from class A corten steel, which is known as the strongest and most durable corten steel on the market. Weather resistant: UV and frost resistant, so the planter can be left outside all year round without sustaining damage. Rust Process and Maintenance Over time, Corten steel develops a natural rust layer that serves as a protective barrier against further corrosion. The Geroba Artesa Planter is delivered unrusted and will acquire its characteristic rust color in 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 to 3 weeks with a rust accelerator, available at the bottom of this page for recommended combinations. After the rusting process, we recommend using a rust fixer to prevent rust water. Planting advice For optimal drainage, we recommend placing a layer of pebbles of approximately 10 cm in the planter, covered with a moisture-permeable anti-root cloth. Make sure that the cloth rises at least 10 cm at the edges for best effect. Cover the anti-root cloth with an airy soil mixture that is suitable for the planting. Please note: do not tamp the soil, as this may cause damage to the container. Warranty We fully support the quality of our products. That's why we offer a 2-year warranty and a 90-day cooling-off period, so you can buy with confidence. Order the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm today!
550,91 419,89
The Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangular 100x40x40cm is a beautiful addition to any garden. This planter is available in different sizes and offers the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. The Artesa flower boxes are available with or without a bottom, and the models with a bottom are equipped with 15mm legs and drainage holes. We also have extra high legs. The top of the Artesa flower boxes is folded 50mm for extra strength and the inside is equipped with reinforcement ribs for extra stability. The Advantages of the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm Exceptional Strength and Durability: Made from high-quality corten steel, this planter will last for years, even in the most challenging weather conditions. Versatile Design: The rust color of Corten steel ensures that this planter fits seamlessly into both modern and classic gardens. Ecologically Responsible: Fully recyclable, making this planter not only sustainable, but also environmentally friendly. Top quality Corten steel: Made from class A corten steel, which is known as the strongest and most durable corten steel on the market. Weather resistant: UV and frost resistant, so the planter can be left outside all year round without sustaining damage. Rust Process and Maintenance Over time, Corten steel develops a natural rust layer that serves as a protective barrier against further corrosion. The Geroba Artesa Planter is delivered unrusted and will acquire its characteristic rust color in 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 to 3 weeks with a rust accelerator, available at the bottom of this page for recommended combinations. After the rusting process, we recommend using a rust fixer to prevent rust water. Planting advice For optimal drainage, we recommend placing a layer of pebbles of approximately 10 cm in the planter, covered with a moisture-permeable anti-root cloth. Make sure that the cloth rises at least 10 cm at the edges for best effect. Cover the anti-root cloth with an airy soil mixture that is suitable for the planting. Please note: do not tamp the soil, as this may cause damage to the container. Warranty We fully support the quality of our products. That's why we offer a 2-year warranty and a 90-day cooling-off period, so you can buy with confidence. Order the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm today!
421,21 334,33
The Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangular 100x40x40cm is a beautiful addition to any garden. This planter is available in different sizes and offers the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. The Artesa flower boxes are available with or without a bottom, and the models with a bottom are equipped with 15mm legs and drainage holes. We also have extra high legs. The top of the Artesa flower boxes is folded 50mm for extra strength and the inside is equipped with reinforcement ribs for extra stability. The Advantages of the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm Exceptional Strength and Durability: Made from high-quality corten steel, this planter will last for years, even in the most challenging weather conditions. Versatile Design: The rust color of Corten steel ensures that this planter fits seamlessly into both modern and classic gardens. Ecologically Responsible: Fully recyclable, making this planter not only sustainable, but also environmentally friendly. Top quality Corten steel: Made from class A corten steel, which is known as the strongest and most durable corten steel on the market. Weather resistant: UV and frost resistant, so the planter can be left outside all year round without sustaining damage. Rust Process and Maintenance Over time, Corten steel develops a natural rust layer that serves as a protective barrier against further corrosion. The Geroba Artesa Planter is delivered unrusted and will acquire its characteristic rust color in 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 to 3 weeks with a rust accelerator, available at the bottom of this page for recommended combinations. After the rusting process, we recommend using a rust fixer to prevent rust water. Planting advice For optimal drainage, we recommend placing a layer of pebbles of approximately 10 cm in the planter, covered with a moisture-permeable anti-root cloth. Make sure that the cloth rises at least 10 cm at the edges for best effect. Cover the anti-root cloth with an airy soil mixture that is suitable for the planting. Please note: do not tamp the soil, as this may cause damage to the container. Warranty We fully support the quality of our products. That's why we offer a 2-year warranty and a 90-day cooling-off period, so you can buy with confidence. Order the Geroba Artesa corten steel planter rectangle 100x40x40cm today!
350,88 186,81
The Geroba Artesa Corten Steel Planter with legs 100x100x80cm is a beautiful addition to any garden. This planter is available in different sizes and offers the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. The Artesa flower boxes are available with or without a bottom, and the models with a bottom are equipped with 15mm legs and drainage holes. We also have extra high legs. The top of the Artesa flower boxes is folded 50mm for extra strength and the inside is equipped with reinforcement ribs for extra stability. The Advantages of the Geroba Artesa Corten Steel Planter with legs 100x100x80cm Exceptional Strength and Durability: Made from high-quality corten steel, this planter will last for years, even in the most challenging weather conditions. Versatile Design: The rust color of Corten steel ensures that this planter fits seamlessly into both modern and classic gardens. Ecologically Responsible: Fully recyclable, making this planter not only sustainable, but also environmentally friendly. Top quality Corten steel: Made from class A corten steel, which is known as the strongest and most durable corten steel on the market. Weather resistant: UV and frost resistant, so the planter can be left outside all year round without sustaining damage. Rust Process and Maintenance Over time, Corten steel develops a natural rust layer that serves as a protective barrier against further corrosion. The Geroba Artesa Planter is delivered unrusted and will acquire its characteristic rust color in 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 to 3 weeks with a rust accelerator, available at the bottom of this page for recommended combinations. After the rusting process, we recommend using a rust fixer to prevent rust water. Planting advice For optimal drainage, we recommend placing a layer of pebbles of approximately 10 cm in the planter, covered with a moisture-permeable anti-root cloth. Make sure that the cloth rises at least 10 cm at the edges for best effect. Cover the anti-root cloth with an airy soil mixture that is suitable for the planting. Please note: do not tamp the soil, as this may cause damage to the container. Warranty We fully support the quality of our products. That's why we offer a 2-year warranty and a 90-day cooling-off period, so you can buy with confidence. Order the Geroba Artesa Corten Steel Planter with legs 100x100x80cm today!
525,92 434,65
The Geroba Artesa Corten Steel Planter with legs 100x100x80cm is a beautiful addition to any garden. This planter is available in different sizes and offers the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. The Artesa flower boxes are available with or without a bottom, and the models with a bottom are equipped with 15mm legs and drainage holes. We also have extra high legs. The top of the Artesa flower boxes is folded 50mm for extra strength and the inside is equipped with reinforcement ribs for extra stability. The Advantages of the Geroba Artesa Corten Steel Planter with legs 100x100x80cm Exceptional Strength and Durability: Made from high-quality corten steel, this planter will last for years, even in the most challenging weather conditions. Versatile Design: The rust color of Corten steel ensures that this planter fits seamlessly into both modern and classic gardens. Ecologically Responsible: Fully recyclable, making this planter not only sustainable, but also environmentally friendly. Top quality Corten steel: Made from class A corten steel, which is known as the strongest and most durable corten steel on the market. Weather resistant: UV and frost resistant, so the planter can be left outside all year round without sustaining damage. Rust Process and Maintenance Over time, Corten steel develops a natural rust layer that serves as a protective barrier against further corrosion. The Geroba Artesa Planter is delivered unrusted and will acquire its characteristic rust color in 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 to 3 weeks with a rust accelerator, available at the bottom of this page for recommended combinations. After the rusting process, we recommend using a rust fixer to prevent rust water. Planting advice For optimal drainage, we recommend placing a layer of pebbles of approximately 10 cm in the planter, covered with a moisture-permeable anti-root cloth. Make sure that the cloth rises at least 10 cm at the edges for best effect. Cover the anti-root cloth with an airy soil mixture that is suitable for the planting. Please note: do not tamp the soil, as this may cause damage to the container. Warranty We fully support the quality of our products. That's why we offer a 2-year warranty and a 90-day cooling-off period, so you can buy with confidence. Order the Geroba Artesa Corten Steel Planter with legs 100x100x80cm today!
600,89 510,37
Discover the versatility and aesthetic charm of Corten steel products. Whether you want to beautify your garden or give your home a modern touch, Corten steel offers the perfect solution. This durable and weather-resistant material is ideal for various applications. Think of a stylish Corten steel pond that creates a soothing atmosphere, or a robust Corten steel letterbox that combines functionality and design combines. A Corten steel planter also adds a unique look to your outdoor space. For those looking for privacy, a Corten steel fence is an excellent choice, while Corten steel walls add structure and character. can give to your garden. A Corten steel water table provides a playful element, and a Corten steel barbecue turns every cooking experience into a party. Choose Corten steel and enjoy the perfect balance between durability and style.