287 products

  • Model 61 Blauwsteen Brievenbus - LetterBox - Brievenbus - De Witte - 5425021182248 - BR-61-0105

    The White Model 61 Bluestone Letterbox

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    Discover the robust and stylish De Witte Model 61 natural stone mailbox, designed for both modern and classic homes. With its sleek design and high-quality finish, this letterbox is not only a functional, but also an aesthetically attractive element for your outdoor space. The letterbox has an impressive size of 40x40x105 cm (LxWxH) and weighs no less than 90 kg, which makes it extremely stable and durable. Benefits of this Letterbox Includes two keys: Comes with two keys for the lockable back door, keeping your mail safe and protected. Theft-proof: Thanks to the heavy natural stone and the solid cylinder lock, the letterbox is completely theft-proof. Easy to install: Despite its heavy weight, the letterbox is easy to install and stays firmly in place. Combination of strength and durability: Made of natural stone, which ensures a long lifespan and a timeless appearance. Weatherproof: The letterbox can withstand all weather conditions, from rain to frost, and retains its beauty over the years. Large storage capacity: The spacious interior provides plenty of room for all your mail, including larger envelopes and packages. Comes With: 2 keys for the cylinder lock Installation instructions With its blue-gray color and natural appearance, this letterbox fits perfectly in any garden or driveway. Whether you have a modern or classic home, the De Witte letterbox is the ideal choice for those looking for quality and style. Don't wait any longer, order it now and add a timeless and functional element to your home!

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.


  • Kortu® Cortenstaal - Brievenbus - LetterBox - Brievenbus - Geroba - KortuC1

    Geroba Letterbox Kortu Corten steel

    Out of stock, Delivery within 6-8 weeks  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    The Kortu is a corten steel letterbox from Geroba, with a lockable door at the back. The letterbox has a sleek design that suits both a modern and classic home. The dimensions of the letterbox are 30 x 40 x 100 cm (LxWxH) and it weighs 25 kg. Benefits: Includes two keys Theft resistant Easy to install Combination of strength and durability Weatherproof Made from Corten steel class A Corten steel is 2 mm thick Placement The Kortu is equipped with a loose base plate with 4 mounting holes. These holes have a diameter of 12 mm and are 20 cm apart. You attach the base plate to a concrete base (available at a DIY store). Then place the letterbox over it and screw it to the sides with bolts. The final bolts are included. Corten steel Corten steel is a very strong type of steel that will cover itself with a protective layer of rust when exposed to the outside air. This rust layer provides protection against further corrosion. Characteristic of Corten steel is its brown-orange rust color and its long lifespan. Rust process Corten steel is a very strong type of steel that covers itself with a protective layer of rust when exposed to the outside air. The letterbox is always delivered unrusted and gets its beautiful rust color/layer when it is outside. This process takes approximately 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 weeks by using the rust accelerator. The rust accelerator can be found at the bottom of this page under smart combinations. After it is completely rusted, we always recommend applying a rust fixer. This ensures that the rust process stops and no rust water will come off the letterbox. The rust fixer can also be found at the bottom of this page under smart combinations. Order it Now!

    Out of stock, Delivery within 6-8 weeks  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.


  • Ansicht in 3D/AR Logixbox Trendybox Paketbriefkasten Pre-Collection Grau

    Logixbox Trendybox Paketbriefkasten Pre-Collection Grau

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    Sind Sie es auch leid, jedes Mal Ihre Pakete beim Nachbarn abholen zu müssen? Oder tagelang auf Ihre Post warten? Die Trendybox ist die perfekte Lösung für alle, die ihre Post und Pakete schnell, sicher und unkompliziert empfangen möchten. Dieser moderne, formschöne und freistehende Briefkasten bietet nicht nur Platz für Ihre tägliche Post, sondern auch für größere Pakete, die Sie normalerweise nicht in Ihrem herkömmlichen Briefkasten empfangen können. Egal ob Sie im Urlaub sind oder einfach keine Lust haben zu warten, mit der Trendybox haben Sie sicher eine zuverlässige und sichere Lösung für Ihre Paketzustellung. Praktisches und sicheres Design für jede Situation Mit der Trendybox müssen Sie sich nicht mehr um die Abholung Ihrer Post oder Pakete kümmern. Dieser innovative Briefkasten ermöglicht den sicheren Empfang von Briefen und größeren Paketen, auch wenn Sie nicht zu Hause sind. Die Konstruktion sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Pakete gut vor Witterungseinflüssen und Diebstahl geschützt sind. Dank des geräumigen Bodenfachs bietet die Trendybox genügend Platz für mehrere Lieferungen gleichzeitig. Wie funktioniert die Trendybox? Die Anwendung der Trendybox ist einfach und effizient. Der Zusteller öffnet die Klappe oben, legt Ihre Post und Pakete in den Briefkasten und verschließt die Klappe anschließend wieder. Anschließend wandern die Post und Pakete automatisch in das unterste Fach, welches rundum gesichert ist. Dieses Fach ist, ähnlich der Topbox, mit einem Push-Lock ausgestattet und lässt sich nur öffnen, wenn Sie das Schloss selbst lösen. Die Trendybox ist nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch äußerst sicher, sodass Sie nie Angst haben müssen, dass ungebetene Besucher versuchen, Ihre Pakete herauszufischen. Warum die Trendybox wählen? Die Trendybox bietet viele Vorteile, die sie zur idealen Wahl für Ihr Zuhause machen. Hier sind die wichtigsten Gründe, warum Trendybox Ihr neuer bester Freund für den Empfang von Post und Paketen wird: Kompatibel mit allen Paketdiensten: Alle gängigen Zustelldienste liefern Ihre Post und Pakete problemlos in diesen geräumigen Briefkasten. Anti-Fishing-Einlass: Dank des innovativen Einlasses können Pakete nicht von unerwünschten Personen herausgefischt werden, sodass Sie immer eine sichere Zustellung gewährleisten können. Geräumiger Einwurf: Die Trendybox verfügt über einen maximalen Einwurf von 350x320x200 mm, wodurch Sie vom Kleinpaket bis zur Großlieferung nahezu alle Online-Bestellungen in Empfang nehmen können. Wetterfest: Der Gummirand um die Türen verhindert, dass Ihre Post und Pakete auch an regnerischen Tagen nass werden. Langlebig und pflegeleicht: Die industrielle Pulverbeschichtung bietet Schutz vor Rost, Kratzern und Witterungseinflüssen, sodass der Briefkasten lange hält und stets in einem Top-Zustand bleibt. Mehrere Lieferungen auf einmal empfangen: Die Trendybox bietet genügend Platz, um mehrere Pakete gleichzeitig zu empfangen, sodass Sie nicht mehrfach warten müssen. Keine Wartezeiten mehr: Sie müssen nie wieder zu Hause bleiben oder lange auf Ihre Pakete warten, denn diese werden sicher in Ihren Briefkasten geliefert. Optimieren Sie Ihr Erlebnis mit der Trendybox Mit der Trendybox machen Sie sich nicht nur das Leben leichter, sondern verleihen Ihrem Zuhause auch einen funktionalen und modernen Look. Egal, ob Sie ein vielbeschäftigter Berufstätiger sind, viel online einkaufen oder sich einfach nicht mit verpassten Lieferungen herumärgern möchten: Trendybox bietet die perfekte Lösung. Dank der geräumigen Bauweise und der sicheren Aufbewahrung ist Ihnen der Empfang Ihrer Post und Pakete stets problemlos und ohne Sorgen möglich. Pflegetipps für den Dauereinsatz Die Trendybox ist auf Langlebigkeit ausgelegt, doch mit ein wenig Pflege kann sie nicht nur gut aussehen, sondern auch optimal funktionieren. Die Pulverbeschichtung schützt den Briefkasten vor Rost und Beschädigungen, doch um ihn in Topform zu halten, ist es wichtig, den Briefkasten regelmäßig zu reinigen. Dies lässt sich ganz einfach mit einem feuchten Tuch und einem milden Reinigungsmittel erledigen. Achten Sie darauf, die Trendybox gelegentlich auf Beschädigungen oder Verschleißteile zu überprüfen, damit Sie lange Freude an Ihrem Kauf haben. Die perfekte Wahl für alle, die effizient und sicher sein wollen Die Trendybox ist mehr als nur ein Briefkasten. Es ist eine Lösung, die Ihren Alltag vereinfacht, Ihnen Zeit spart und Ihnen Sicherheit gibt. Mit der Trendybox empfangen Sie Post und Pakete schnell, sicher und ohne Mehraufwand. Egal, ob Sie zu Hause sind oder nicht, Sie wissen, dass Ihre Pakete immer richtig und sicher zugestellt werden.

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.


  • Ansicht in 3D/AR Logixbox Trendybox Paketbriefkasten Pre-Collection schwarz

    Logixbox Trendybox Paketbriefkasten Pre-Collection schwarz

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    Sind Sie es auch leid, jedes Mal Ihre Pakete beim Nachbarn abholen zu müssen? Oder tagelang auf Ihre Post warten? Die Trendybox ist die perfekte Lösung für alle, die ihre Post und Pakete schnell, sicher und unkompliziert empfangen möchten. Dieser moderne, formschöne und freistehende Briefkasten bietet nicht nur Platz für Ihre tägliche Post, sondern auch für größere Pakete, die Sie normalerweise nicht in Ihrem herkömmlichen Briefkasten empfangen können. Egal ob Sie im Urlaub sind oder einfach keine Lust haben zu warten, mit der Trendybox haben Sie sicher eine zuverlässige und sichere Lösung für Ihre Paketzustellung. Praktisches und sicheres Design für jede Situation Mit der Trendybox müssen Sie sich nicht mehr um die Abholung Ihrer Post oder Pakete kümmern. Dieser innovative Briefkasten ermöglicht den sicheren Empfang von Briefen und größeren Paketen, auch wenn Sie nicht zu Hause sind. Die Konstruktion sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Pakete gut vor Witterungseinflüssen und Diebstahl geschützt sind. Dank des geräumigen Bodenfachs bietet die Trendybox genügend Platz für mehrere Lieferungen gleichzeitig. Wie funktioniert die Trendybox? Die Anwendung der Trendybox ist einfach und effizient. Der Zusteller öffnet die Klappe oben, legt Ihre Post und Pakete in den Briefkasten und verschließt die Klappe anschließend wieder. Anschließend wandern die Post und Pakete automatisch in das unterste Fach, welches rundum gesichert ist. Dieses Fach ist, ähnlich der Topbox, mit einem Push-Lock ausgestattet und lässt sich nur öffnen, wenn Sie das Schloss selbst lösen. Die Trendybox ist nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch äußerst sicher, sodass Sie nie Angst haben müssen, dass ungebetene Besucher versuchen, Ihre Pakete herauszufischen. Warum die Trendybox wählen? Die Trendybox bietet viele Vorteile, die sie zur idealen Wahl für Ihr Zuhause machen. Hier sind die wichtigsten Gründe, warum Trendybox Ihr neuer bester Freund für den Empfang von Post und Paketen wird: Kompatibel mit allen Paketdiensten: Alle gängigen Zustelldienste liefern Ihre Post und Pakete problemlos in diesen geräumigen Briefkasten. Anti-Fishing-Einlass: Dank des innovativen Einlasses können Pakete nicht von unerwünschten Personen herausgefischt werden, sodass Sie immer eine sichere Zustellung gewährleisten können. Geräumiger Einwurf: Die Trendybox verfügt über einen maximalen Einwurf von 350x320x200 mm, wodurch Sie vom Kleinpaket bis zur Großlieferung nahezu alle Online-Bestellungen in Empfang nehmen können. Wetterfest: Der Gummirand um die Türen verhindert, dass Ihre Post und Pakete auch an regnerischen Tagen nass werden. Langlebig und pflegeleicht: Die industrielle Pulverbeschichtung bietet Schutz vor Rost, Kratzern und Witterungseinflüssen, sodass der Briefkasten lange hält und stets in einem Top-Zustand bleibt. Mehrere Lieferungen auf einmal empfangen: Die Trendybox bietet genügend Platz, um mehrere Pakete gleichzeitig zu empfangen, sodass Sie nicht mehrfach warten müssen. Keine Wartezeiten mehr: Sie müssen nie wieder zu Hause bleiben oder lange auf Ihre Pakete warten, denn diese werden sicher in Ihren Briefkasten geliefert. Optimieren Sie Ihr Erlebnis mit der Trendybox Mit der Trendybox machen Sie sich nicht nur das Leben leichter, sondern verleihen Ihrem Zuhause auch einen funktionalen und modernen Look. Egal, ob Sie ein vielbeschäftigter Berufstätiger sind, viel online einkaufen oder sich einfach nicht mit verpassten Lieferungen herumärgern möchten: Trendybox bietet die perfekte Lösung. Dank der geräumigen Bauweise und der sicheren Aufbewahrung ist Ihnen der Empfang Ihrer Post und Pakete stets problemlos und ohne Sorgen möglich. Pflegetipps für den Dauereinsatz Die Trendybox ist auf Langlebigkeit ausgelegt, doch mit ein wenig Pflege kann sie nicht nur gut aussehen, sondern auch optimal funktionieren. Die Pulverbeschichtung schützt den Briefkasten vor Rost und Beschädigungen, doch um ihn in Topform zu halten, ist es wichtig, den Briefkasten regelmäßig zu reinigen. Dies lässt sich ganz einfach mit einem feuchten Tuch und einem milden Reinigungsmittel erledigen. Achten Sie darauf, die Trendybox gelegentlich auf Beschädigungen oder Verschleißteile zu überprüfen, damit Sie lange Freude an Ihrem Kauf haben. Die perfekte Wahl für alle, die effizient und sicher sein wollen Die Trendybox ist mehr als nur ein Briefkasten. Es ist eine Lösung, die Ihren Alltag vereinfacht, Ihnen Zeit spart und Ihnen Sicherheit gibt. Mit der Trendybox empfangen Sie Post und Pakete schnell, sicher und ohne Mehraufwand. Egal, ob Sie zu Hause sind oder nicht, Sie wissen, dass Ihre Pakete immer richtig und sicher zugestellt werden.

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.


  • Sale -29,50Last stock!Pick up only Safepost pakketbrievenbus 65 Tiamat met plat dak zilvergrijs RAL 9006/antracietgrijs RAL 7016 - Doika BV - Pakketbrievenbus - Safepost - 7330589003592 - 900359

    Safepost parcel letterbox 65 Tiamat with flat roof silver gray RAL 9006/anthracite gray RAL 7016

    1 in stock Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    The SafePost 65 is an elegant and secure solution for receiving packages and large mail items. This silver-gray letterbox is made of sturdy steel and has a parcel compartment and cylinder lock with two keys. The letterbox can be mounted on the wall or placed free-standing using the supplied mounting material and the optional SafePost stand 1414. With a capacity of 60 liters, an opening of 38.5x4 cm and a maximum package size of 58x38.5x22.5 cm, this letterbox is perfect for receiving packages of any size. The delivery person can simply drop the package in the letterbox, after which it will be locked. This way you can receive your packages safely, without anyone having to be at home. Order the SafePost 65 now and enjoy a safe and easy solution for receiving parcels

    1 in stock Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    290,12 260,62

  • Sale -37,38Last stock!Pick up only Safepost brievenbus Euroodrend No. 1 antracietgrijs/zilvergrijs - Lichte schade - Enkel afhalen - Doika - Brievenbus - Safepost -

    Safepost letterbox Euroodrend No. 1 anthracite gray/silver gray - Slight damage - Collection only

    1 in stock Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    This mailbox has minor damage. This is an old showroom model. Due to the collection obligation, we offer a discount. Viewing possible by appointment. Contact us at jurgen@doika.be to make an appointment. Pick up is possible in Hamont, Belgium. The SafePost-Eurotrend 1 freestanding steel letterbox is a designer letterbox with a beautiful anthracite/silver-gray color combination and a sloping front. This letterbox has a large capacity and an adjustable divider base for extra capacity, so you can even store mail for several weeks. The letterbox comes with mounting material and a solid cylinder lock for extra security. With dimensions of 1000x355x233 mm and an insertion opening of 300x50 mm, this letterbox is an ideal choice for any home. With the supplied threaded rods and bolts you can easily secure the letterbox in concrete or choose one of the stands to place the letterbox on. Upgrade your mail reception with the SafePost-Eurotrend 1 freestanding steel mailbox. Order now!

    1 in stock Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    260,62 223,24

  • Sale -193,62Last stock!Pick up only eSafe Dropbox Small Pakketbrievenbus Zwart - Lichte schade - Enkel afhalen - Doika - Pakketbrievenbus - eSafe -

    eSafe Dropbox Small Parcel Letterbox Black - Slight damage - Collection only

    4 reviews

    1 in stock Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    This mailbox has minor damage. This is an old showroom model. Due to the collection obligation, we offer a discount. Viewing possible by appointment. Contact us at jurgen@doika.be to make an appointment. Pick up is possible in Hamont, Belgium. Do you also want all packages to be delivered to your home without delay? This modern, attractive and free-standing parcel letterbox with removal at the rear is a practical and elegant solution for receiving your mail and parcels at home. Thanks to its design, the Dropbox can be mounted independently. This modern letterbox is a safe and future-oriented solution for all your mail and parcels. Because the bottom compartment is very spacious, this letterbox can safely receive and store a large number of letters and packages. This is also easy if you are on holiday, for example. It is made of high-quality stainless aluminum and has a matte black powder coating. Operation: The delivery person opens the flap at the top and places the mail & packs in. After this he closes the valve. The post & packages move to the lower (secure) area. The package is safely stored here. When you get the mail & If you want to remove parcels, you can do this at the back with your unique key. The slot is larger than most parcel letterboxes. This allows you to easily receive most packages from your online purchases. Letterbox dimensions: W 36.5 x D 27 x H 98.5 cmMaximum package size: W 29.5 x D 16 x H 37.5 cmMaterial thickness: 3 mm Warranty: We only sell mailboxes that we believe in. That's why we give you a 90-day reflection period and a 2-year warranty. (if properly maintained) Installation:The Dropbox has 6 mounting holes. These holes have a diameter of 13mm. You attach the bottom to a concrete base (available at a DIY store). You can then screw it to the top with bolts. The benefits of Dropbox: All parcel services deliver to this parcel letterbox Tested and approved by Bpost You can receive 85% of all parcels with it Impact damping, valve closes slowly and silently UV and frost resistant Spring foam at the bottom to cushion the fall of your package Quality powder coating Made from stainless aluminum Drop valve system for parcels and letters together Equipped with 6 mounting holes for secure mounting Received several deliveries per day Comes with:- Free Mounting material (worth €79) Manual

    1 in stock Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    977,45 783,83

  • Sale -19,67Pick up only Geroba Brievenbus Carta Cortenstaal - Enkel afhalen - Doika - Brievenbus - Geroba -

    Geroba Letterbox Carta Corten Steel - Collection only

    9 reviews

    Out of stock, Delivery within 6-8 weeks  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    This letterbox is completely damage-free and already pre-rusted. This is an old showroom model. Due to the collection obligation, we offer a discount of €20. Viewing possible by appointment. Contact us at jurgen@doika.be to make an appointment. Pick up is possible in Hamont, Belgium. The Carta is a corten steel letterbox from Geroba, with a lockable door at the rear. The letterbox has a sleek design that suits both a modern and classic home. The dimensions of the letterbox are 30 x 40 x 100 cm (LxWxH) and it weighs 25 kg. Benefits: Includes two keys Theft resistant Easy to install Combination of strength and durability Weatherproof Made from Corten steel class A Corten steel is 2 mm thick Placement The Carta has 4 mounting holes. These holes have a diameter of 12 mm and are 20 cm apart. You attach the base plate to a concrete base. Then you place the letterbox over it and you can screw it to the top with bolts. We have also designed our own concrete base, which we have tailor-made for this mailbox. This ensures that it fits perfectly. The concrete base can be found at the bottom of this page under smart combinations. Rust process Corten steel is a very strong type of steel that covers itself with a protective layer of rust when exposed to the outside air. The letterbox is always delivered unrusted and gets its beautiful rust color/layer when it is outside. This process takes approximately 6 to 12 months. This process can be accelerated to 2 weeks by using the rust accelerator. The rust accelerator can be found at the bottom of this page under smart combinations. After it is completely rusted, we always recommend applying a rust fixer. This ensures that the rust process stops and no more rust water will come off the letterbox. The rust fixer can also be found at the bottom of this page under smart combinations. Order it Now!

    Out of stock, Delivery within 6-8 weeks  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    319,57 299,90

  • Sale -208,49 Betonnen Brievenbusunit Blocky Trio 105x60x40 cm (HxBxD) - antraciet - Doika - Brievenbusunit - Sierbeton - 10155 TRIO Antraciet

    Concrete Letterbox Unit Blocky Trio 105x60x40 cm (HxWxD) - anthracite

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    Imagine: you come home and your eye is immediately drawn to a striking, contemporary letterbox unit that fits perfectly with the modern look of your home. The Blocky Trio Anthracite offers exactly that feeling – a masterfully shaped concrete mailbox that can accommodate the mail of three residents in one stylish construction. This way you combine convenience, safety and design in a unique solution. Why choose the Blocky Trio Anthracite? The Blocky Trio Anthracite is not just a triple letterbox. It immediately gives your home a sturdy and distinctive character, while receiving the mail from three different residents in a practical way. Each user has their own lockable space, complete with two keys per compartment. This way, everyone's privacy and safety are guaranteed. The slim, vertical design provides a minimalist appearance, while the robust concrete effortlessly defies wind and weather. A statement in style, but for three With its smooth finish and sleek design, the Blocky Trio Anthracite is perfect for lovers of a modern and industrial look. The design is cast entirely from high-quality concrete, which ensures a seamless finish and a particularly sturdy construction. The three separate mailboxes take up little space, but their sturdy design attracts all the attention as a refined eye-catcher at your entrance. Safety first – for everyone Of course you want to be sure that your mail is protected. The Blocky Trio Anthracite therefore has three aluminum doors at the back, each of which can be locked with its own set of keys. You will receive two keys per mailbox, so a total of six. This way, everyone can be sure that only the right person has access to his or her mail, with a spare key always at hand. Benefits that make the difference If you choose the Blocky Trio Anthracite, you are choosing more than just a letterbox. These benefits make the difference: Three separate mailboxes: ideal for multiple residents, each with its own set of two keys. Stable and flexible placement: the Blocky Trio Anthracite can stand firmly on a flat surface without anchoring. Would you prefer extra security? Then simply glue the base to a hard surface. Weather-resistant and durable: the high-quality concrete mix is ​​easy to maintain and will last for years, even in changing weather conditions. Ease of use: The vertical slots make it easy to throw in mail, and by tilting the unit slightly forward, rainwater can drain quickly. Color choice: the dark and robust 'Anthracite' or the lighter, elegant 'Concrete Grey' - whichever shade you choose, you will enjoy the same top quality. Dimensions and specific details Thanks to its well-thought-out design, the Blocky Trio Anthracite fits seamlessly with different types of homes, from sleek and modern to industrial and minimalist. This triple model has the following features: Dimensions of letterbox unit: 105 x 60 x 40 cm (HxWxD) Material: concrete Direction of slots: vertical Rain visor: yes Number of keys: 2 per compartment, so 6 in total Number of slots: 3 (1 per compartment) Warranty: 2 years Placement: freestanding Color choice: Anthracite or Concrete Gray Due to its sophisticated layout, the Blocky Trio Anthracite looks both functional and elegant, so that it fits perfectly with any living style. Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship This concrete letterbox unit is completely manufactured in our own workshop in Belgium, with more than 35 years of expertise in decorative concrete. Every detail is carefully finished and only high-quality materials are used. This means you are assured of a solid and sustainable investment. Choose a timeless look – for three With the Blocky Trio Anthracite you provide your home with a triple, timeless letterbox solution that will retain its stylish appearance for years to come. Whether you are a fan of a modern or industrial look, this letterbox unit immediately gives any facade extra character. Be surprised by the combination of minimalism and robust quality – and enjoy the convenience and peace of mind every day of a letterbox unit designed for three people. What are you waiting for? Make your entrance a true eye-catcher and choose the Blocky Trio Anthracite – the perfect mix of design, sustainability and functionality. Your post deserves the very best!

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    1.250,92 1.042,43

  • Sale -166,40 Betonnen Brievenbusunit Blocky Duo 105x40x40 cm (HxBxD) - antraciet - Doika - Brievenbusunit - Sierbeton - 10155 Duo Antraciet

    Concrete Letterbox Unit Blocky Duo 105x40x40 cm (HxWxD) - anthracite

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    Imagine: you come home and your eye is immediately drawn to a striking, contemporary letterbox unit that fits perfectly with the modern look of your home. The Blocky Duo Anthracite offers exactly that feeling – a masterfully shaped concrete mailbox that can accommodate the mail of two residents in one sleek construction. This way you combine convenience, safety and design in a stylish solution. Why choose the Blocky Duo Anthracite? This Blocky Duo Anthracite is not just a double letterbox. It immediately adds a cool and distinctive character to your facade, while receiving the mail from two different residents in a practical way. Each user has their own lockable space, including two keys. This way, everyone's privacy and safety are guaranteed. The sleek, vertical design provides a minimalist look, while the concrete is weather-resistant and durable. A statement in style, but for two With its smooth finish and sleek design, the Blocky Duo Anthracite is ideal for those who love a modern and industrial look. The letterbox unit is cast entirely from high-quality concrete, which ensures a seamless finish and an extremely sturdy construction. The two separate mailboxes take up little space, but their sturdy design attracts all the attention as a refined eye-catcher at the front door. Safety first for both residents Of course you want to be sure that your mail is protected. The Blocky Duo Anthracite has two aluminum doors at the back, both lockable with their own set of keys. This way, each resident receives their own pair of keys and you can be sure that only the right person has access to his or her mail. It is extra useful that you receive two keys per mailbox as standard, so that you always have a spare copy at home. Benefits that make the difference If you choose the Blocky Duo Anthracite, you are choosing more than just a letterbox. These benefits make the difference: Double mailbox solution: two separate compartments, each with its own set of keys – ideal for homes with multiple residents. Sturdy and flexible to place: Thanks to its robust construction, the Blocky Duo Anthracite can stand stably on a flat surface, without anchoring being strictly necessary. Do you still want to secure it extra? Then you simply glue the base to a hard surface. Weather-resistant and durable: High-quality concrete ensures a solid and easy-to-maintain product that will last for years – even in changing weather conditions. Optimal ease of use: the vertical slots make it easy to throw in mail, while rainwater drains away easily if you tilt the unit slightly forward. Color choice: Go for the dark and robust 'Anthracite' or choose 'Concrete Gray' if you want a lighter, more subtle shade. Whichever color you choose, you will enjoy the same premium quality. Dimensions and specific details Thanks to its well-thought-out design, the Blocky Duo Anthracite fits seamlessly with different types of homes, from sleek and modern to industrial and minimalist. This double model has the following dimensions: Dimensions of letterbox unit: 105 x 40 x 40 cm (HxWxD) Material: concrete Direction of slots: vertical Rain visor: yes Number of keys per mailbox: 2 (so 4 in total) Number of slots: 2 (1 per mailbox) Warranty: 2 years Placement: freestanding Color choice: Anthracite or Concrete Gray Thanks to its smart layout, the Blocky Duo Anthracite looks both functional and elegant, making it a perfect fit for any living style. Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship This concrete letterbox unit is completely manufactured in our own workshop in Belgium, supported by more than 35 years of expertise in decorative concrete. Every detail has been finished with care and only high-quality materials are used. This way you can count on a reliable and sustainable investment. Choose a timeless look – for two With the Blocky Duo Anthracite you provide your home with a double, timeless letterbox solution that will retain its stylish appearance for years to come. Whether you like a modern or industrial design, this letterbox unit gives every facade a characterful upgrade. Be convinced by the unique combination of minimalism and sturdy quality – and enjoy the convenience and safety of a letterbox unit designed for two people every day. What are you waiting for? Make your entrance a true eye-catcher and choose the Blocky Duo Anthracite – the perfect mix of design, sustainability and functionality. Your post – and that of your fellow resident – ​​deserves the very best!

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    998,36 831,96

  • Sale -121,94 Betonnen Brievenbus Plurel 105x33x40 cm (HxBxD) - antraciet - Doika - Brievenbus - Sierbeton - 10180 Antraciet

    Concrete Letterbox Plurel 105x33x40 cm (HxWxD) - anthracite

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    Imagine: you come home and the first thing you notice is a letterbox that immediately catches the eye with its stylish, modern design. The Plurel is such an eye-catcher – a concrete letterbox with an open slot, perfect for those looking for a combination of practical versatility and a minimalist look. Moreover, this letterbox is made up of two parts: a base and the letterbox on top. This way you can easily create extra mailboxes by placing a second or even third module on top. Ideal for a semi-detached house or apartment! Why choose the Plurel? With the Plurel you not only enjoy a sleek, contemporary design, but also the option to expand your letterbox setup. This makes it ideal for homes with multiple residents, or if you would like a spare space for parcels or advertising, for example. The door at the back is made of aluminum and can easily be locked with a key, so that your mail remains safely stored. By default you receive two keys, useful if you lose one or want to share it. A modular and timeless design The Plurel is distinguished by its modular construction: the combination of a robust base and a separate top part makes it possible to stack multiple letterbox elements. Thanks to the smooth concrete and seamless finish, it looks sleek and sober, which fits perfectly with a modern or industrial living style. Due to the natural aging of the concrete, it will acquire a light patina over time, which contributes to the sturdy character of this letterbox. Safe and easy to use The aluminum door at the back allows you to collect your mail in peace and quiet without having to sneak around from the street. With the included keys you can be sure that only you (and possibly your fellow residents) have access to the contents. This gives you peace of mind, especially when you are expecting important mail. Benefits that make the difference Open slot: easy for quick insertion, ideal for both letters and printed matter. Modular and expandable: You can place multiple mailboxes on top of each other, making the Plurel suitable for a semi-detached house or apartment. Seamless construction: One piece of cast concrete provides a sleek look and maximum strength. Color choice: choose 'Anthracite' if you like a dark gray, industrial look. Secure back door: lockable with a key - two keys included. Installation and maintenance Easily place the Plurel on a flat and hard surface. In principle, anchoring is not necessary because the concrete base provides sufficient stability. Do you want extra security? Then you glue the letterbox with a (silicone) glue on, for example, a concrete base or clinkers. If you tilt the Plurel slightly forward, rainwater will drain better through the open groove, so that your mail remains optimally dry. Skilled and Belgian craftsmanship Like all Sierbeton letterboxes, the Plurel is handmade in their Belgian workshop. The combination of more than 35 years of experience and pure craftsmanship results in a concrete mailbox of the highest quality. Because it is cast in one piece (with the exception of the optional extra modules), there are no annoying seams and you enjoy a durable, seamless finish. Sierbeton: a family business with passion Decorative concrete has been a fixture in the production of concrete products for decades. This family business assembles every letterbox with care, precision and a passion for craftsmanship. The colors shown in photos may differ slightly from reality, but regardless of the shade you choose, you are assured of a sustainable investment that you will enjoy for years to come. Choose a future-proof solution Would you like a letterbox with an open slot, which you can easily expand if necessary? Then the Plurel is your perfect match. Discover for yourself how this letterbox gives your facade a modern and sturdy look, while offering plenty of space to neatly collect mail and parcels. Be convinced by the power of Belgian craftsmanship in combination with a stylish design!

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    731,65 609,71

  • Sale -127,84 Betonnen Brievenbus Ronda 110x43,5x39,5 cm (HxBxD) - betongrijs - Doika - Brievenbus - Sierbeton - 10210 betongrijs

    Concrete Letterbox Ronda 110x43.5x39.5 cm (HxWxD) - concrete gray

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    Imagine: you come home and immediately notice a mailbox that is just that little bit different. The Ronda is a sturdy and stylish letterbox made of smooth concrete, with the round roof as a striking feature. This not only gives you a practical solution for your mail, but also a real eye-catcher in the street scene. Why choose the Ronda? The Ronda not only offers a modern and distinctive design, but also an extremely sturdy construction that can effortlessly defy wind and weather. The seamless cast concrete provides a rock-solid base, while the aluminum door at the back can be locked with a key. This way, all your mail will remain safely stored, and you will even receive two keys with your purchase for extra convenience. Unique with a round roof The round roof is a playful element that distinguishes the Ronda from other concrete mailboxes. This design provides a subtle variation on the industrial look, making the letterbox suitable for almost any type of home. From modern to rural or classic – the Ronda immediately adds character to your facade. Safe and easy to use With the lockable door at the back, you can be sure that only you have access to your mail. The sleek design is also easy to maintain; a light cleaning is sufficient to keep the Ronda in top condition. The seamless concrete is resistant to various weather conditions, so you can enjoy this special letterbox for years to come. Benefits that make the difference Unique appearance: the round roof makes the Ronda a real eye-catcher on every street. High quality: Completely cast from one piece of concrete, for maximum strength and a seamless finish. Choice of colour: choose from 'Concrete Grey' for a dark gray and modern look, or 'Concrete Grey' for a lighter, subtle shade. Weather-resistant: Concrete develops a sturdy, industrial patina over the years, without sacrificing durability. Easy to maintain: Regular cleaning is sufficient to keep your mailbox beautiful. Installation and maintenance You can easily place the Ronda on a flat, stable surface without anchoring it. Would you like extra security? Then glue it with a (silicone) glue on a hard surface such as a concrete base or clinkers. A useful tip: tilt the Ronda a little bit forward, so that rainwater drains quickly and the inside remains optimally dry. Belgian craftsmanship and quality The Ronda comes from our workshop, a Belgian family business with more than 35 years of experience in manufacturing decorative concrete. Every product is cast and finished with the utmost care, so that you can count on a solid and durable letterbox. The slight discoloration or weathering that can occur over time gives the Ronda a sturdy, authentic appearance. An investment that pays off With the Ronda you opt for a striking design that is distinguished by the round roof. At the same time, you enjoy a letterbox that is weatherproof, safe and easy to maintain. Please note that the colors shown in photos may differ slightly from reality. Whichever shade you choose – 'Concrete Grey' or 'Concrete Grey' – the Ronda is a sustainable investment that you will enjoy for years to come.

    Delivery within 3 working days  In almost all cases you will receive a track & trace code within 48 hours, unless a longer delivery time is stated on the product page. You can easily track your order with this track & trace code.

    767,05 639,21

Large Letterboxes – Spacious and Secure Mail Solutions

Looking for a large letterbox that can handle all your mail and parcels? At Doika, we offer an extensive selection of spacious and secure large letterboxes, perfect for both residential and commercial use. Choose from freestanding models, wall-mounted letterboxes, and parcel letterboxes designed to receive larger mail volumes and packages safely. Shop now and find the ideal solution for your home or business!

Why Choose a Large Letterbox?

Large letterboxes provide more than just extra storage space. They offer convenience and security for receiving a wide variety of mail and parcels, including:

  • High Capacity: Perfect for households or businesses that receive high volumes of letters, magazines, and parcels.
  • Secure Package Delivery: Parcel letterboxes allow safe and contactless delivery, even when you're not at home.
  • Weather-Resistant: Designed to protect your mail from rain, wind, and other weather conditions.
  • Stylish Designs: Available in modern and classic styles to complement any property.

Discover our full range of mailboxes and find the perfect match for your needs!

Types of Large Letterboxes at Doika

We offer a variety of large letterboxes to suit different requirements and preferences. Explore our most popular categories:

1. Freestanding Large Letterboxes

Freestanding letterboxes are perfect for driveways, garden paths, or entrances. These models are highly visible and provide easy access for both the postman and the homeowner.

2. Wall-Mounted Large Letterboxes

Save space with our wall-mounted letterboxes, designed to securely attach to any exterior wall or gate. Ideal for those who want a sleek and practical solution.

3. Parcel Letterboxes

Receive packages safely with our spacious parcel letterboxes. These models are designed to accommodate larger parcels and prevent theft or damage.

4. Built-In Parcel Letterboxes

For a seamless look, choose our built-in parcel letterboxes. These models integrate neatly into walls or fences, offering both security and a modern design.

5. Deluxe Large Letterboxes

Looking for something more luxurious? Our deluxe large letterboxes feature elegant designs with premium materials, adding a touch of sophistication to any property.

Materials and Finishes – Durable and Stylish

Our large letterboxes are made from high-quality materials that are both durable and stylish, including:

  • Corten Steel: Known for its unique rust-colored patina and exceptional durability.
  • Stainless Steel (Inox): Weather-resistant and modern, perfect for contemporary homes.
  • Galvanized Steel: Rust-resistant with a powder-coated finish for extra protection and style.
  • Aluminum: Lightweight and corrosion-resistant, available in sleek and minimalist designs.
  • Natural Stone and Blue Stone: Timeless and durable, ideal for classic or modern architectural styles.
  • Wood and Padouk Wood: Natural and rustic look, with excellent durability and weather resistance.

Want to learn more about our materials? Visit our Material Guide for detailed information.

Benefits of Choosing a Large Letterbox

  • Receive Parcels Securely: Safe delivery even when you're not at home, with secure locking systems for added protection.
  • Multiple Delivery Options: Compatible with all mail carriers and courier services.
  • Spacious Storage: Accommodate multiple deliveries, avoiding trips to the post office or collection points.
  • Stylish Appearance: Enhance your property’s curb appeal with sleek and modern designs.

Explore our parcel letterboxes for more information on receiving packages securely.

Frequently Asked Questions About Large Letterboxes

Are large letterboxes suitable for receiving parcels?

Yes, our large letterboxes are designed to securely receive parcels of different sizes, ensuring your deliveries are safe even when you're not at home.

How do I install a large freestanding letterbox?

Freestanding letterboxes come with all necessary mounting hardware and clear instructions, making installation quick and easy. Ensure the box is placed on a stable, level surface for optimal stability.

Which material is the most durable for outdoor letterboxes?

Corten steel, stainless steel, and galvanized steel are the most durable and weather-resistant materials, ensuring a long lifespan with minimal maintenance.

Do large letterboxes come with a lock?

Yes, all of our large letterboxes are equipped with secure locking systems to keep your mail and parcels safe.

Order Your Large Letterbox Online at Doika

Ready to find the perfect large letterbox for your home or business? At Doika, we make it easy to browse and purchase online. Choose from a wide selection of designs, materials, and styles, all with fast delivery to your doorstep.

Simply add your chosen mailbox to the cart, complete the checkout process, and receive your new letterbox within days. Shop our full range of large letterboxes today and enhance your property’s style and security!

Looking for more outdoor solutions? Explore our Outdoor Lighting and Garden Planters collections to complement your exterior design. Shop now and create a beautiful outdoor space with Doika!

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