Hondenhok grote hond - Doika

Doghouse large dog

, 3 min reading time


Looking for a large doghouse where your large dogs and medium-sized dogs can retreat and create their own space? After all, a dog is a social animal and it is nice if your dog has enough space to let off steam. You can use both wooden dog houses and plastic dog houses as materials.

Wooden doghouse vs plastic doghouse

A wooden doghouse is more classic than a plastic doghouse. The advantage of a plastic doghouse is that it is easy to clean and easy to keep clean. Another advantage is that it is UV and water resistant.

When do you get a doghouse?

A large outdoor doghouse protects the dog from the weather. It provides cooling in the summer and a waterproof roof prevents a wet four-legged friend. A separate doghouse is nice for dogs that are allowed to run free in the garden. As mentioned, a doghouse is there to give your dog shelter from rain or cold and a place where your dog can retreat. For dogs that always live outside, the doghouse can also serve as a night cage.

A doghouse is not for locking up a dog. A doghouse is too dark and too small for this. If you want this, it is better to opt for a kennel.

A large entrance for large dogs

When purchasing a doghouse, it is advisable to look carefully at the dimensions and the different sizes of the cage. Naturally, you need a larger cage for large dogs than for a small dog. The entrance to a doghouse also plays a role. The height of the entrance to the cage must be at least the height of the dog at the withers.

The space must of course be large enough for the dog to lie down compactly. The character of a dog is important here. If your dog likes to lie down, it might be wiser to buy a slightly larger cage.

It is recommended to buy a doghouse as small as possible, especially if the cage is also used as a night cage. An outdoor dog house that has the right dimensions to fit a dog is also more likely to retain heat in the cold winter months. If you buy a doghouse that is too large, the heat will dissipate faster than a doghouse that is custom-made. I think a doghouse that is too small speaks for itself, not so nice for your dog.

Do you want to buy a large doghouse? Then make sure that the cage is neither too big nor too small. A good dog house is the right size, so your dog gets a nesting feeling more quickly and warms up faster through its own body heat.

A well-insulated doghouse

To keep the heat in during the winter and out during the summer, good insulation is very useful. By insulating a doghouse, a doghouse can keep the heat out of the sun as much as possible during the summer. In winter, this insulation is intended to provide extra protection for the dog's body heat.

But beware: When it freezes outside, it also freezes in the doghouse!

Although this differs per breed and size of the dog, this is still not nice for a dog. Another purpose is to protect against drafts and moisture. A draft bulkhead provides protection against drafts at the entrance. The use of a bitumen roof to keep your doghouse waterproof is also not recommended.

Doika's doghouses

Wooden dog houses from Doika are perfect. So you have a large doghouse for the large dog, but also doghouses for the small dogs. Wooden dog houses from Doika have a long lifespan.

Buying a large doghouse? Thanks to fast delivery to your door, you don't have to wait long! The driver helps you place our products on the ground, provides good service and ensures that he provides assistance until the animal enclosure is ready. If you prefer to receive a construction kit, that is also possible!

Buying a doghouse has never been easier! If you have any questions about our dog houses or other animal shelters, please feel free to contact us!

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